Eyeglass in spanish


pronunciation: lente part of speech: noun
In gestures

eyeglasses = gafas. 

Example: Then he paused and adjusted his eyeglasses.


» bifocal (eye)glasses = gafas bifocales.

Example: Wearing bifocal glasses forces a computer user to tilt the head back to focus on the screen through the lower part of the bifocal lenses.

» distance (eye)glasses = gafas para ver de lejos.

Example: Some people who never needed distance glasses now notice that their vision is blurred for driving, and that their reading glasses work better in the distance.

» eyeglass(es) arm = patilla de las gafas.

Example: This pair of glasses has an embeded video camera within one of the eyeglasses arms and the battery within the other.

» eyeglass(es) temple = patilla de las gafas.

Example: At one point the plastic coating on my eyeglass temples wore away, and I got an itchy rash over the tops of my ears.

» hipster (eye)glasses = gafas de montura de cuerno.

Example: Lately, many owners have been photographing their cats wearing fashionable hipster glasses.

» horn-rimmed (eye)glasses = gafas de montura de cuerno.

Example: But the latest fashion trend that has swept the campus and the rest of the anticulture of 'generation next' is black, horn-rimmed glasses.

» need + reading (eye)glasses = necesitar gafas para leer, tener la vista cansada, tener presbicia.

Example: This is why many people with 'normal' eyes will need reading glasses some time after the age of 40.

» reading (eye)glasses = gafas para leer, gafas de leer.

Example: Students preferred reading standard print with reading glasses.

» safety (eye)glasses = gafas de protección.

Example: Safety glasses should always be worn by anyone operating a power tool, or by anyone nearby.

» wear + (eye)glasses = llevar gafas, ponerse gafas, usar gafas.

Example: A study has found that people who wear glasses are viewed as more attractive and more likable.

Eyeglass synonyms

monocle in spanish: monóculo, pronunciation: mɑnəkəl part of speech: noun
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