Eyed in spanish

De ojos

pronunciation: deoʊxoʊs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

eye3 = observar, mirar, mirar detenidamente, mirar de arriba abajo, echarle el ojo a, ojear. [Participio pasado eyeing (UK) o eying (USA)]

Example: The banking community is eyeing its possibilities with serious interest.


» eyeball = ojear, mirar por encima, mirar fijamente a los ojos.

Example: However he seems to have constructed his trends by just eyeballing the graph.

» eye + Nombre + up = comerse con los ojos.

Example: He blinked, his eyes suddenly moving on their own, eyeing her up, her long legs, her voluptuous hips, her large breasts.

» eye + Nombre + up and down = mirar de arriba a abajo.

Example: He pushed the boy roughly against the door, eyeing him up and down like a lion who's caught sight of his prey.



» black-eyed = ojinegro, de ojos negros.

Example: His mission would have been doomed, was it not for some unexpected help from a black-eyed girl with an attitude and a special talent.

» bleary-eyed = con cara de sueño, con cara de cansado, medio adormilado, medio despierto, con los ojos hinchados, medio dormido. [Generalmente debido al sueño o al cansancio]

Example: She was seen Sunday morning at 6 AM, only half dressed, barefoot and bleary-eyed outside a friend's house in London.

» blue-eyed = de ojos azules, con ojos azules.

Example: White-skinned people with blue eyes aren't just responsible for the current crisis; the blue-eyed palefaces are responsible for saddling the world with a financial system that has a built-in tendency to crash.

» bright-eyed = con entusiasmo en los ojos, con ojos vivarachos, con ojos brillantes.

Example: Looking bright-eyed naturally is not that difficult to do if you take good care of yourself both physically and emotionally.

» cock-eyed = bizco.

Example: After being here for not too long I've seen a lot of very pretty but cock-eyed Chinese girls.

» cock-eyed = torcido, ladeado, sesgado.

Example: The pictures were a bit tilted and the television appeared to be a bit cock-eyed, but otherwise, everything was alright.

» cross-eyed = bizco.

Example: Strabismus usually gives one a cross-eyed look.

» eagle-eyed = con ojos de lince.

Example: The security firm, famous for its eagle-eyed officers, responded to a distress call from a teenager who was attacked while his parents were out.

» glassy-eyed = con la mirada perdida, con la mirada vidriosa, con la mirada ausente.

Example: If we notice many people looking glassy-eyed in seminars, the time is ripe to go for a break or a change of pace.

» goggle-eyed = de ojos saltones, con ojos desorbitados.

Example: This goggle-eyed homunculus hired to run their midwest subsidiary has caused a radical redefinition of the political culture unlike that taking place almost anywhere else.

» goggle-eyed = con los ojos como platos, boquiabierto.

Example: Babies are not just passing idle time when they stare goggle-eyed at the television -- they are actually learning about the world.

» gooey-eyed = con los ojos tiernos, con la baba caída.

Example: They became close over the next several months but never quite fell in love -- at least not the head-over-heels, gooey-eyed kind that makes you ache inside.

» misty-eyed = con los ojos llorosos, con los ojos empañados, con los ojos nublados, sentimental, nostálgico.

Example: We could rifle through history and find many a world leader who has had a misty-eyed public moment.

» one-eyed = tuerto, de un solo ojo, con un solo ojo.

Example: She had to wear a bulging eye patch for a day after each operation; I called her my one-eyed pirate lass.

» sharp-eyed = con ojos de lince, de vista aguda.

Example: Even so, birds must balance the benefits of flashy feathers with the risks of making themselves conspicuous to sharp-eyed predators.

» sharp-eyed = perspicaz, observador.

Example: Sharp-eyed researchers noted that twenty-three per cent of the people who came did so in order to meet someone or to use the phone.

» shifty-eyed = de mirada huidiza, de mirada esquiva, sospechoso.

Example: From childhood, we shiver as the shifty-eyed wolf terrorizes Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs.

» wide-eyed = con los ojos muy abiertos, con los ojos como platos, boquiabierto, embobado.

Example: I see myself as having the soul of a wide-eyed wanderer when in fact I'm a homebody, destined to see the world simply through the eyes of my friends.

» wide-eyed = ingenuo, cándido, inocente.

Example: We are all born with a wide-eyed innocence, believing everyone is honest, having no pretence.

Eyed synonyms

blue-eyed in spanish: de ojos azules, pronunciation: bluid part of speech: adjective eyelike in spanish: con forma de ojo, pronunciation: aɪlaɪk part of speech: adjective popeyed in spanish: popeyed, pronunciation: pɑpeɪd part of speech: adjective one-eyed in spanish: tuerto, pronunciation: wənaɪd part of speech: adjective sharp-eyed in spanish: ojos afilados, pronunciation: ʃɑrpjeɪ part of speech: adjective ox-eyed in spanish: ojos de buey, pronunciation: ɑksjid part of speech: adjective almond-eyed in spanish: ojos de almendra, pronunciation: æməndiid part of speech: adjective round-eyed in spanish: ojos redondos, pronunciation: raʊndaɪd part of speech: adjective saucer-eyed in spanish: platillo de ojos, pronunciation: sɔsɜrid part of speech: adjective skew-eyed in spanish: ojos torcidos, pronunciation: skujud part of speech: adjective

Eyed antonyms

eyeless pronunciation: aɪləs part of speech: adjective
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