Eyebrow in spanish


pronunciation: θexɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

eyebrow = ceja. 

Example: Subjects pulled hair from a variety of sites, including scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic region, face, and body.


» arch + Posesivo + eyebrows = arquear las cejas.

Example: 'I find this all baffling,' Meek commented, arching her eyebrows.

» bushy eyebrow = ceja tupida.

Example: You may have noticed that bushy eyebrows are fashionable again, and that many celebrities are sporting fuller brows this season.

» furrow + Posesivo + (eye)brow(s) = fruncir el ceño.

Example: They found that furrowing the brow increased feelings of anger and disgust in the subjects, and made them less happy, less agreeable and less interested.

» pencil (in9 + Posesivo + eyebrows = perfilar las cejas.

Example: This a quick tutorial on how to pencil in your eyebrows.

» pluck + Posesivo + eyebrows = depilarse las cejas.

Example: I think it totally depends on whether the girl needs to shave her legs or pluck her eyebrows.

» raise + an eyebrow = sorprenderse, extrañarse, asombrarse, mostrar sorpresa, mostrar extrañeza, mostrar asombro, dar de qué hablar, dar que hablar. [Arqueando las cejas]

Example: We may indeed raise an eyebrow when we find in Botany and Zoology the note 'Further systematic subdivisions, alphabetically arranged'.

» raise + Posesivo + eyebrow(s) = arquear las cejas.

Example: She looked at him, raising her eyebrows, and trying to screw her lips into a formal smile.

Eyebrow synonyms

brow in spanish: frente, pronunciation: braʊ part of speech: noun supercilium in spanish: supercilio, pronunciation: supɜrsɪliəm part of speech: noun
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