Eyeball in spanish

Globo del ojo

pronunciation: gloʊboʊdeloʊxoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

eyeball1 = globo ocular, ojo. 

Example: Researchers in Japan say they have succeeded in growing an artificial eyeball by removing cells from frog embryos.


» eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation = enfrentamiento cara a cara, cara a cara.

Example: For Miller, though, two decades of eyeball-to-eyeball confrontations with the new chairman are proof enough.

» eyeball-to-eyeball = cara a cara.

Example: Last night the Israeli prime minister announced that after nine days of eyeball-to-eyeball negotiations, he'd had enough and was going home.

» go + eyball to eyeball with = enfrentarse cara a cara con.

Example: The last time somebody went eyeball to eyeball with Hezbollah thousands of people ended up dead.

» pissed to the eyeballs = borracho como una cuba.

Example: You get much more fun out of being merry than getting pissed to the eyeballs, and the hangovers aren't as bad.

» up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in = hasta aquí, hasta el cuello.

Example: Some of these countries are already up to their eyeballs in debt repayment.

» up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in work = agobiado de trabajo, hasta aquí de trabajo, hasta el cuello de trabajo.

Example: Around this time of year, professors are up to their eyeballs in work and. are likely handling lots of requests for reference letters.

eyeball2 = ojear, mirar por encima, mirar fijamente a los ojos. 

Example: However he seems to have constructed his trends by just eyeballing the graph.

Eyeball synonyms

eye in spanish: ojo, pronunciation: part of speech: noun orb in spanish: orbe, pronunciation: ɔrb part of speech: noun
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