Eye in spanish


pronunciation: oʊxoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

eye1 = ojo, ojito. 

Example: An important feature of the scheme in its creator's eyes was the relative index.


» act as + the eyes and ears = ser los ojos y los oídos.

Example: The community has the responsibility to act as the eyes and ears, as they did during the war where there were all these posters up saying the walls have ears and the enemy is everywhere.

» all eyes + be + (up)on = todos los ojos + estar + puestos en, ser + el centro de atención, llevarse todo el protagonismo, acaparar toda la atención, acaparar todo el protagonismo.

Example: The article is entitled 'All eyes are on the rise of biometrics'.

» an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth) = ojo por ojo y diente por diente, pena del talión.

Example: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth has brought Israel and Gaza to the edge of destruction.

» apple of + Posesivo + eye, the = niña de + Posesivo + ojos, la .

Example: She was so poor that she had nothing but one single hen, which she prized as the apple of her eye.

» as far as the eye can see = hasta donde alcanza la vista.

Example: This region is blessed with scenic drives where the breathtaking color explosion in the fall and spring stretch as far as the eye can see.

» a sight for sore eyes = vista agradable, dichosos los ojos que te ven.

Example: Many of the spring-flowering crocus bulbs are among our earliest bloomers -- truly a sight for sore eyes after a long winter.

» as seen through the eyes of + Nombre = visto desde la perspectiva de + Nombre, según lo ve + Nombre, desde el punto de vista de + Nombre.

Example: A digital library could be defined as 'a set of digital documents as seen through the eyes of a librarian= Se podría definir la biblioteca digital como "un conjunto de documentos digitales vistos de las perspectiva del bibliotecario".

» attract + the eye = atraer la atención.

Example: Some titles are designed with no intention of being informative, but rather are intended to attract the eye.

» avert + Posesivo + eyes = esquivar la mirada de Alguien.

Example: 'He's slipping back into a churlish mood', the director said averting his eyes.

» bags under + Posesivo + eyes = ojeras.

Example: She reportedly spent over $11000 in cosmetic surgery to get rid of bags under his eyes and lift his eyelids.

» be a feast for the eyes (and (the) ears) = ser un placer para la vista (y los oídos), ser todo un espectáculo (visual), ser un regalo para la vista (y los oídos), regalar la vista (y los oídos).

Example: This will undoubtedly be a feast for the eyes and ears on the big screen that you won't want to miss.

» be a feast for the eyes and the stomach = ser un placer para la vista y el estómago, ser todo un espectáculo gastronómico, ser un regalo para la vista y el estómago.

Example: This open air food market is a feast for the eyes and the stomach.

» be all ears (and eyes) = ser todo oídos.

Example: Some have been referred to as being all ears, while others have been noted as being all mouth = A algunos se les conoce por ser todo oídos, mientras que a otros por ser unos bocazas.

» be all eyes = ser todo ojos.

Example: I was all eyes, all ears, quivering from head to foot with intense nervous expectation.

» be an eye popper = ser algo que llama la atención.

Example: Our wide array of frocks is an eye popper and is in huge demand among the youth due to their exotic designs.

» be a treat for the eyes (and (the) ears) = ser un placer para la vista (y los oídos), ser todo un espectáculo (visual), ser un regalo para la vista (y los oídos).

Example: The night was full of music from all over the world and a real treat for the eyes and ears.

» be a treat for the eyes and the stomach = ser un placer para la vista y el estómago, ser todo un espectáculo gastronómico, ser un regalo para la vista y el estómago.

Example: The food court is a treat for the eyes and the stomach featuring pastries, baked goods and delicious Scottish traditional foods.

» before + Posesivo + (own two/own) eyes = delante de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, enfrente de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, ante + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, delante de + Posesivo + (propios) ojos, enfrente de + Posesivo + (propios), ante + Posesivo + (propios) ojos. [Las posibilidades son before + Posesivo + eyes, before + Posesivo + own eyes o before + Posesivo + own two eyes]

Example: She is so caught up in her relationship with Flynn that she can't see what is going on before her own two eyes.

» before + Posesivo + (very) eyes = delante de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, enfrente de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, ante + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, delante de + Posesivo + (propios) ojos, enfrente de + Posesivo + (propios), ante + Posesivo + (propios) ojos.

Example: There was a short silence but, at the time, it seemed like an eternity as her entire career flashed before her eyes.

» be out of the public eye = no estar expuesto al público, no ser divulgado, mantener en privado.

Example: The cause of the damage to his reputation was the fact that most of his important early works were out of the public eye for much of the 20th c.

» be the apple of/in + Posesivo + eye = ser la niña de los ojos de Alguien, ser el ojito derecho de Alguien, ser el ojo derecho de Alguien.

Example: To his mother he was the apple in her eye and loved the fact that he was career oriented at a young age.

» be the eyes and ears = ser los ojos y los oídos.

Example: Teachers are to 'be the eyes and ears of the state' in UK public school system, whose jobs now include combating terrorism.

» bird's eye view = vista a ojo de pájaro, a vista de pájaro. [Representación del terreno como si se hubiese tomado desde el aire]

Example: Cartographic materials are all the materials that represent, in whole or in part, the earth or any celestial body at any scale and include globes; block diagrams; sections; atlases; bird's eye views, etc.

» black eye = ojo morado, ojo amoratado.

Example: She was seen going out with a black eye on her left side of the face.

» blink + Posesivo + eyes = parpadear los ojos.

Example: Today I was watching her as she was sitting beside me for about 5 minutes and she never blinked her eyes.

» bloodshot eyes = ojos irritados, ojos enrojecidos, ojos sanguinolentos.

Example: The most common drug related adverse events were bloodshot eyes, nasal congestion, dry mouth, hypotension and dizziness.

» bring + Nombre + into the public eye = llamar la atención sobre.

Example: Superman actor Christopher Reeve's 1995 injury has brought this health problem into the public eye in recent years.

» bring + tears to + Posesivo + eyes = hacer llorar, hacer que + Pronombre + saltar + las lágrimas, hacer saltar las lágrimas.

Example: The realization that this man -- her boss and former lover -- could show such compassion and consideration brought tears to her eyes.

» bull's eye = diana, blanco.

Example: It has been dubbed the 'Bull's-Eye' due to its five layers, represented as concentric circles.

» by the naked eye = a simple vista.

Example: A macroform is a generic term for any medium, transparent or opaque, bearing images large enough to be easily read by the naked eye.

» cast + a critical eye over = analizar desde un punto de vista crítico.

Example: The author casts a critical eye over technical progress in libraries and different levels of development in English- and French-speaking regions of Africa.

» cast + an eye over = echar un ojo, echar un ojeada, echar un vistazo, echar una mirada.

Example: I thought it might be a good time to cast an eye over the months ahead to see what cinemagoers have got to look forward to during the rest of the year.

» cast + Posesivo + eye over = echar un ojo, echar un ojeada, echar un vistazo, echar una mirada.

Example: She cast her eye over the three ladies standing in front of her and smiled.

» catch + Posesivo + eye = llamar la atención, atraer la atención, captar la atención, saltar a la vista, saltar a los ojos.

Example: Some people do actually seek for fiction by title and author, or by author, rather than simply browsing along the shelves hoping for something to catch their eye.

» cat's eyes = captafaros, ojos de gato, reflectantes de la calzada.

Example: The idea was so successful that it is now difficult to come across a major road in the United Kingdom that does not have cat's eyes on it.

» chestnut eyes = ojos castaños.

Example: We were having a great time, just stood there at the bus stop, me and the girl with the chestnut eyes.

» clap + Posesivo + eyes on = ver, fijarse, prestar atención.

Example: Seriously, the blobfish is the worst looking creature I've ever clapped eyes on.

» close + Posesivo + eyes = cerrar los ojos.

Example: I have friends and family that can just close their eyes and go out like a light.

» close + Posesivo + eyes to = ignorar, hacerse el ciego, hacerse el sordo, hacerse el loco, hacer la vista gorda.

Example: Sometimes justice closes her eyes to the truth.

» cock eye = ojo bizco.

Example: He wore a patch, but only to cover his cock eye and protect his vanity.

» cross-eye = ojo bizco.

Example: Preemies are at a much higher risk of lazy eye, near-sightedness, and cross-eyes, so they want to make sure if it is a problem, it gets caught early.

» cry + Posesivo + eyes out = llorar a lágrima viva, llorar como una ma(g)dalena, llorar a mares, emberracarse, inflarse de llorar.

Example: George Michael reportedly cried his eyes out after being sentenced to jail.

» dark brown eyes = ojos morunos.

Example: The majority of people in the world overall have dark brown eyes.

» dazzle + Posesivo + eyes = dejar maravillado, dejar deslumbrado, dejar encandilado.

Example: The colorful costumes dazzled their eyes and the unique sounds of traditional instruments blended with a symphonic orchestra in the performance delighted their ears.

» dazzle + Posesivo + eyes = deslumbrar los ojos, cegar los ojos.

Example: A ray of sunlight came through the trees, dazzling her eyes so that she had to close them for a moment.

» eagle eyes = ojos de lince.

Example: The article 'Eagle eyes: LASER newspapers' reports on a project undertaken by the LASER organization to survey local newspaper holdings of the UK and Ireland.

» evil eye, the = mal de ojo, el.

Example: In folklore and the occult the evil eye is generally thought to be a sign of trouble.

» eyeball = globo ocular, ojo.

Example: Researchers in Japan say they have succeeded in growing an artificial eyeball by removing cells from frog embryos.

» eyebath [eyecup, -UK] = lavaojos, baño oftálmico.

Example: So I tried using an eyebath and eye drops for a week with no change so I decided to try the ointment I had been prescribed but that also had no effect.

» eyeblink [eye-blink] = parpadeo.

Example: This paper describes a study that investigated the role of the laboratory as the target of citation practices within the specialty of human eyeblink conditioning.

» eyebrow = ceja.

Example: Subjects pulled hair from a variety of sites, including scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic region, face, and body.

» eye candy = efecto visual. [Generalmente usado el sentido negativo de falto de contenido]

Example: I don't say that I don't like eye candy on movies, but eye candy alone won't make a terrible movie a good one.

» eye candy = bombón, bomboncito, monada, monería, ricura, majo.

Example: There was plenty of eye candy to look at -- men and women alike -- and most everyone was dressed to impress.

» eye + catch = notar, darse cuenta de, llamar la atención.

Example: As Klaus's acute observations are unhampered by romantic ideals, his eye catches the plastic trash by the roadway as well as the colors of moss on the landing strip.

» eye-catcher = reclamo visual.

Example: On the other hand, the greatest eye-catcher and the piece of resistance of this incredible home is the wood and iron grand staircase.

» eye-catching = llamativo, vistoso.

Example: Some titles are deliberately misleading or eye-catching, rather than informative.

» eye contact = contacto visual.

Example: The irate patron stance is characterised by very erect posture, an angry facial expression, sustained eye contact, dilated pupils, emphatic head nods, and in rare cases, clenched fists.

» eyecup [eyebath, -UK] = lavaojos, baño oftálmico.

Example: Then pour some boiling distilled water in each eyecup almost filling it to the rim.

» eye discharge = secreción ocular.

Example: Many dogs suffer from seasonal allergies that produce eye gook, and some breeds perpetually have problems with eye discharge.

» eye doctor = oftalmólogo, oculista.

Example: A lazy eye, technically referred to as amblyopia, means that one eye has not developed normally and always has blurred vision, even with the best glasses the eye doctor can prescribe.

» eyedropper = cuentagotas para los ojos.

Example: Because the opening is very tiny indeed, we special ordered some small droppers which will include one free eyedropper with each set of three.

» eye drops = gotas para los ojos, colirio.

Example: So I tried using an eyebath and eye drops for a week with no change so I decided to try the ointment I had been prescribed but that also had no effect.

» eyeglasses = gafas.

Example: Then he paused and adjusted his eyeglasses.

» eyelash = pestaña.

Example: Subjects pulled hair from a variety of sites, including scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic region, face, and body.

» eye-legible = legible a simple vista.

Example: ISBD makes no provision for conventions to be followed in a record in machine-readable form from which an eye-legible catalogue record in ISBD format may be generated.

» eyelid = párpado.

Example: In the two years that followed Woodforde had various other ailments, including an inflammation of the eyelid.

» eyeliner = delineador, delineador de ojos, lápiz de ojos.

Example: Our waterproof and smudge-proof eyeliners ensure long lasting wear any time of the day.

» eye of the hurricane, the = ojo del huracán, el.

Example: The first is the eye of the hurricane, which is a calm area in the center of the storm, usually measuring about 20 miles in diameter.

» eye of the storm, the = ojo de la tormenta, el.

Example: The title of the article is 'Authority control -- the view from the eye of the storm'.

» eye-opener = revelación, sorpresa.

Example: It will be an eye-opener for anyone interested in exploring the complex relationship between history, environmental issues, economy, and governance .

» eye opening = revelador.

Example: Few experiences are more eye opening than to see how difficult it sometimes is to accomplish one's objectives.

» eye patch [eyepatch] = parche para el ojo, parche ocular.

Example: He went in the tavern wearing an eye patch, crying 'ahoy, matey!' and eying the comely wenches.

» eye pupil = pupila.

Example: A mannequin head is used to teach the swinging flashlight test for examining eye pupils.

» eye-readable = legible. [Normalmente usado para diferenciar un documento entre su formato interpretable por el ordenador y su formato legible bien impreso o en pantalla. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: The length of time taken from the publication of a book to the appearance of a related full bibliographic record in machine-readable or eye-readable form can be many weeks.

» eyes + glint with + rage = ojos + brillar de rabia.

Example: Panopoulos put her arms on the desk, interlocked her fingers, and forward, her eyes glinting with rage behind her thick spectacles.

» eyeshadow = sombra de ojos.

Example: Her chest has a secret storage place that can hold a heart shaped lip gloss or eyeshadow that comes with the doll.

» eyesight = vista.

Example: Often microform makes users aware of hitherto unnoticed eyesight defects.

» eye(s) on = la mirada en, pensando en.

Example: The article is entitled 'Eye on publishing: Public Lending Right stirs debate'.

» eyesore = desagradable a la vista, que rompe la armonía, antiestético, que estropea el paisaje. [Nombre y adjetivo]

Example: He argues for special attention to faculty offices, landscaping, 'green' architecture, preservation of heritage buildings, removal of eyesore buildings, and safety.

» eye specialist = oftalmólogo, oculista.

Example: Lack of eye specialists coupled with shortage of modern facilities has resulted in more Rwandans becoming blind annually.

» eyes + pop (out) = sorprenderse enormemente, sorprenderse mucho, quedarse estupefacto, quedarse boquiabierto, quedarse patidifuso.

Example: As he examined its contents, his eyes popped and his hands began to shake.

» Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head = sorprenderse enormemente, sorprenderse mucho, quedarse estupefacto, quedarse boquiabierto, quedarse patidifuso.

Example: My eyes popped out of my head when I read what had angered a teacher enough to threaten discipline: He was fed up watching two girls necking with each other.

» Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + skull = sorprenderse enormemente, sorprenderse mucho, quedarse estupefacto, quedarse boquiabierto, quedarse patidifuso.

Example: It was a surprising turn-on to see my girlfriend half-naked in front of my roommates, their eyes popping out of their skulls and mouths hanging open.

» Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket = sorprenderse enormemente, sorprenderse mucho, quedarse estupefacto, quedarse boquiabierto, quedarse patidifuso.

Example: My eyes popped out of their socket when he said money doesn't interest him at all.

» eyes + start to well up = empezar a saltar las lágrimas.

Example: My legs were so weary from the climb I had already done and looking at the hill that remained, I got a distinctive lump in my throat and my eyes started to well up.

» eyes + start to well up with tears = empezar a saltar las lágrimas.

Example: His eyes started to well up with tears, but he tried to hold it back.

» eyestrain [eye strain] = vista cansada, vista fatigada, dolor de ojos.

Example: The article is entitled 'Micrographics and eyestrain: more bogeyman than real threat'.

» eye surgery = cirugía ocular, cirugía de los ojos.

Example: When Trevor came to live with us he needed eye surgery because his lashes were growing in instead of out.

» eye-tooth = colmillo.

Example: So much so that my canines (or eye-teeth, they're the pointy ones) ended up growing over my incisors/first molars rather than between them.

» eye tracker = reconocedor del movimiento de los ojos.

Example: Data gloves, gesture recognizers, speech recognizers, eye trackers, and other devices can provide alternative input modes for users.

» eye vision = visión.

Example: I can see a staff member in a sitting position with hand held on the brow covering the eye vision and engrossed in reading.

» eye watering = lagrimeo, lagrimeo de los ojos.

Example: Eye watering can occur because the tears you do produce just don't drain properly.

» eye-watering = desmesurado, descomunal, abusivo, exorbitante, excesivo.

Example: Tickets for the boxing match are being sold online for an eye-watering sum of money.

» eye-wateringly = desmesurado, descomunal, abusivo, exorbitante, excesivo.

Example: The UK is facing 'eye-wateringly' large levels of debt due to uncertainty surrounding Brexit.

» eyewear = gafas, lentes, accesorios ópticos.

Example: Modern bioptic eyewear design of includes many, small lightweight systems that have improved patient acceptance.

» eyewitness = testigo presencial, testigo ocular.

Example: The museum tells the story of the holocaust through the eyes and experiences of survivors and other eyewitnesses.

» feast + Posesivo + eyes on = recrearse mirando, recrearse la mirada en, deleitarse mirando, regalarse la vista con, regalarse los ojos con.

Example: This superb restaurant will tempt you with lavish buffets or set menus while feasting your eyes on the breathtaking view.

» flick + Posesivo + hair out of + Posesivo + eyes = apartarse el pelo de los ojos.

Example: She smiled at him flicking a bit of her mousy brown hair out of her eyes.

» flutter + Posesivo + eyes = batir las pestañas.

Example: Kim pouted her lips as if she was Madonna and then fluttered her eyes.

» four eyes = cuatro ojos. [Forma humorística de referirse a una persona que usa gafas]

Example: Lots of people also called me 'four eyes' but that is just as common as muck and most people that wore glasses were called this.

» give + Nombre + the evil eye = echar el mal de ojo, matar con la mirada.

Example: Now, generally, if you stare at someone for too long, you may be accused of giving them the evil eye.

» give + Nombre + the eye = echar miraditas, lanzar miraditas, hacer ojitos, comerse con los ojos.

Example: Rapists often try to blame the victim for dressing too provocatively or 'giving them the eye'.

» give + Nombre + the stink eye = echar el mal de ojo, matar con la mirada.

Example: You can't choose your family, but you can give them the stink eye and wish they dropped off the face of the earth.

» glass eye = ojo de cristal.

Example: Stereoscopic cameras with two spaced glass eyes for striking improvements are just around the corner.

» glazed eyes = ojos vidriosos.

Example: With blood trickling from his mouth, his glazed eyes staring up at the ring lights, and his left foot quivering, the Swede was counted out.

» go on before + Posesivo + eyes = suceder delante de + Posesivo + ojos, ocurrir delante de + Posesivo + ojos, suceder enfrente de + Posesivo + ojos, ocurrir enfrente de + Posesivo + ojos.

Example: Although they have done all this, it is clearly our own fault for letting all this go on before our eyes.

» go on in front of + Posesivo + eyes = suceder delante de + Posesivo + ojos, ocurrir delante de + Posesivo + ojos, suceder enfrente de + Posesivo + ojos, ocurrir enfrente de + Posesivo + ojos.

Example: Americans are such chumps, because we refuse to see what is going on right in front of our eyes.

» gouge + Posesivo + eye(s) out = sacar el ojo. [También se usa con el siguiente orden gouge out + Posesivo + eye(s)]

Example: Then we were hitting each other and struggling; he scratched my face badly and tried to gouge my eye out with his fingers.

» have + a funny eye for = ver Algo con humor.

Example: The author demonstrates a wickedly funny eye for human frailty without succumbing to cynicism or misanthropy.

» have + an eye for = tener (un buen) ojo para.

Example: Having an eye for photography does give you a leg up as far as eventually getting hired.

» have + an eye for detail = ser muy meticuloso, ser muy obsrvador, ser muy detallista, ser muy minucioso.

Example: Libras have an eye for detail, and are usually very lively & conscious of their surroundings.

» have + a sparkle in + Posesivo + eye(s) = brillar los ojos. [Generalmente debido a algún tipo de emoción]

Example: She can make any man fall for her without even trying, she just has that sparkle in her eyes that will make you addicted to her.

» have + bags under + Posesivo + eyes = tener ojeras.

Example: Hugh may be a bit wrinkly but he doesn't have bags under his eyes.

» have + eyes in/on/at the back of + Posesivo + head = tener ojos en la nuca, tener ojos en la espalda.

Example: When she is carrying her young, she can watch them constantly, for mothers have eyes in the back of their heads.

» have + itchy eyes = picar los ojos.

Example: Use ultraviolet light if you have itchy eyes, runny nose or wheezing.

» have + Posesivo + eye(s) on = echarle el ojo a, poner los ojos en, echarle la vista a, no quitar los ojos de encima de, no quitar la vista de encima de.

Example: Not only is Benjamin now running the show, he also has his eyes on Wayne's girlfriend Cassandra.

» hazel eyes = ojos color avellana.

Example: The reason is that hazel eyes can change the color according to the person's mood!.

» hit + the bull's eye = dar en el blanco, atinar en el blanco, dar en la diana, dar en el clavo, hacer diana.

Example: In such conditions it is a matter of pure luck if the reader hits the bull's eye at the first shot.

» in front of + Posesivo + (very) eyes = delante de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, enfrente de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, ante + Posesivo + (very) eyes, delante de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, enfrente de + Posesivo + (mismos), ante + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos.

Example: She was not only caught up in the Paris attacks, but she also saw a man shot right in front of her eyes.

» in the blink of an eye = en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un p(l)is p(l)as, en un segundo, en un dos por tres, en un santiamén, en menos que canta un gallo, en un instante, en un periquete.

Example: Society has moved from micro to macro scale in almost the blink of an eye.

» in the eye of the hurricane = en el ojo del huracán.

Example: Are we in the eye of the hurricane or is it Indian Summer for the stock market?.

» in the eye of the storm = en el ojo del huracán.

Example: Finally, we cannot help being excited by the fact that we, as a profession, find ourselves, for better or worse, embedded in the eye of the storm of significant change.

» in the eye of the sun = bajo el sol.

Example: He sat still, full in the eye of the sun, and meditated.

» in the eyes of = a los ojos de.

Example: Another negative point, at least in the eyes of most North American consumers, is the encyclopedia's strong British flavor.

» in the eyes of the law = ante la ley.

Example: Yup, and in the eyes of the law these coffin dodgers are safer than us, been driving for 90 years with no accidents or convictions.

» in the public eye = a juicio público, a la opinión pública, ante la opinión pública.

Example: The article is entitled 'Librarians in the public eye'.

» in the twinkling of an eye = en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un segundo, en un p(l)is p(l)as, en un dos por tres, en un santiamén, en un instante, en menos que canta un gallo, en un periquete.

Example: You can send an email message from Boston to Addis Ababa in a twinkling of an eye, but that message may be expunged in a second twinkling.

» in the wink of an eye = en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un p(l)is p(l)as, en un segundo, en un dos por tres.

Example: This incident happened in plain daylight and in the wink of an eye.

» keep + a beady eye on = no perder de vista.

Example: We have simply been behaving as monopolies customarily do -- shelving avoidable innovations, ducking investment risk wherever possible and keeping a beady eye on our own convenience rather than the users.

» keep + a(n) (close) eye on = no perder de vista, vigilar, echar un ojo, estar pendiente de, prestar atención a, estar al tanto de, seguir de cerca.

Example: Instructors have to keep an eye always on the clock to ensure time does not run out before the essence of the case has been extracted.

» keep + an eye open = estar pendiente de, estar al tanto de, estar atento a, estar alerta ante, prestar atención a, tener cuidado con.

Example: The assistant in charge of a section will see that their bit is kept tidy and will keep an eye open for thieves = El auxiliar responsable de una sección se encargará de mantener su área ordenada y estará atento a los ladrones.

» keep + an eye out for = estar pendiente de, estar al tanto de, estar atento a, estar alerta ante, prestar atención a, tener cuidado con.

Example: Nurses must also keep an eye out for any patients developing a crush, as failing to recognise attraction of a sexual nature is also considered sexual misconduct .

» keep + a watchful eye = vigilar atentamente, vigilar Algo muy de cerca.

Example: The article 'Keeping a watchful eye' examines the part public librarians can play in protecting children from abuse.

» keep out of + the public eye = evitar la publicidad, evitar la fama, mantenerse alejado de la mirada pública, mantenerse alejado de la mirada del público.

Example: He prefers to keep out of the public eye as much as possible.

» keep + Posesivo + eyes on = fijarse en, fijar la mirada en, fijar la vista en.

Example: While the majority of women drool over 6-pack abs and chiseled shoulders, most men keep their eyes on either boobs or butts.

» keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled = estar atento a, estar pendiente de, estar al tanto de, estar al loro de, andarse con mucho ojo, ir con mucho ojo, mantener los ojos bien abiertos.

Example: Lulu is a friendly, chatty parrot and we urge everyone in and around this area to keep their eyes peeled for her.

» keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned = estar atento a, estar pendiente de, estar al tanto de, estar al loro de, andarse con mucho ojo, ir con mucho ojo, mantener los ojos bien abiertos.

Example: When you tire of the town, rent a kayak and paddle around the islands keeping your eyes skinned for whales that inhabit the Sound.

» keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open = mantenerse alerta, mantenerse atento, estar al loro de, mantener los ojos bien abiertos, andarse con mucho ojo, ir con mucho ojo, estar ojo avizor, mantenerse ojo avizor, permanecer ojo avizor.

Example: He should make a note of the gap and keep his eyes open for any additional material.

» lay + eyes on = ver, fijarse, prestar atención.

Example: Perhaps Giovanni should have trusted his instincts when he laid eyes on Rappaccini as the scientist tended to his perverse garden.

» lazy eye = ojo vago, ojo perezoso.

Example: A lazy eye, technically referred to as amblyopia, means that one eye has not developed normally and always has blurred vision, even with the best glasses the eye doctor can prescribe.

» look at + Alguien + in the eye = mirar a los ojos, mirar fijamente a los ojos.

Example: The first step to stop people putting you down is to always look at the person in the eye, keeping your head held high.

» look at + Nombre + out of the corner of + Posesivo + eye = mirar de reojo, mirar de soslayo, mirar de refilón, mirar con el rabillo del ojo a.

Example: The horse snuffled indignantly and turned its head to look at him out of the corner of his eye.

» look (at) + Nombre + straight in the eye = mirar fijo a los ojos.

Example: Her knees knocked and her feet trembled in her boots, but she looked him straight in the eye.

» look at + Nombre + through + Posesivo + eyes = ver Algo a través de los ojos de Alguien.

Example: The author considers fiction that looks at war through children's eyes, examining personal and moral issues raised by war this century.

» look into + Posesivo + eyes = mirar a los ojos.

Example: I turned and looked into her eyes and knew instantly what I should have known before, that she was as mad as a March hare.

» lower + Posesivo + eyes = bajar la vista, agachar la vista, mirar hacia abajo, mirar al suelo.

Example: You grew up and you learnt to keep your eyes lowered because if you raised your eyes you didn't know whether you were going to get an insult or a box in the ear.

» make + eye contact = mirar a los ojos.

Example: This can be done by making eye contact and putting aside one's work.

» make + eyes at = echar miraditas, lanzar miraditas, hacer ojitos, comerse con los ojos.

Example: I found myself next to a red-headed gal who, it turned out, wanted nothing to do with me but make eyes at my pal.

» make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out) = sorprender enormemente, sorprender mucho, dejar estupefacto, dejar boquiabierto, dejar a Alguien patidifuso, dejar a cuadros, quedarse a cuadros.

Example: I have something in my desk that will make your eyes pop!.

» make + Posesivo + eyes water = hacer saltar las lágrimas.

Example: Her throat was so sore it made her eyes water every time she tried to swallow.

» more than meets the eye = más complejo de lo que parece, más complicado de lo que parece.

Example: A librarian who suspected that there was more to this than met the eye might find that the problem at the heart of the matter could be a wish to know something of the story of the play without having to read it.

» naked eye = ojo descubierto.

Example: A macroform is a generic term for any medium, transparent or opaque, bearing images large enough to be easily read by the naked eye.

» not believe + Posesivo + eyes = no dar crédito a + Posesivo + ojos.

Example: They can't quite believe their eyes and refuse to make the leap of faith to accept that a 3.4 megapixel sensor can produce such quality.

» open + Posesivo + eyes to = abrir los ojos a, hacer ver.

Example: Everyone who is a reader has his own list of books which at different times opened his eyes anew.

» out of the corner of + Posesivo + eye = de reojo, con el rabillo del ojo, de soslayo, de refilón.

Example: When you wish to see hidden worlds that stand on the edge of existence, the best view is often gained out of the corner of one's eye.

» private eye = detective privado, investigador privado.

Example: The article is entitled 'Pioneers, passionate ladies and private eyes: dime novels, series books and paperbacks.

» prying eyes = miradas indiscretas, ojos inquisidores, ojos curiosos, miradas curiosas.

Example: Electronic messages can be intercepted and read by prying eyes at each stop they typically make along the route to its final destination.

» pull + the wool over + Posesivo + eyes = vender la moto a Alguien.

Example: More troubling is the fact that we are allowing a bunch of right wing political thugs to pull the wool over our eyes.

» put + the evil eye on = echar el mal de ojo, matar con la mirada.

Example: I would also like to know how to put the evil eye on a person as the person in question has contributed in ruining my life and deserves it.

» raise + Posesivo + eyes = levantar la vista, alzar la vista, levantar la mirada, alzar la mirada.

Example: You grew up and you learnt to keep your eyes lowered because if you raised your eyes you didn't know whether you were going to get an insult or a box in the ear.

» rest + Posesivo + eyes = descansar los ojos.

Example: On the way to school Jane was sleepy in the car, she didn't quite snore but she definitely rested her eyes.

» rest + Posesivo + eyes on = mirar, posar los ojos en, detener los ojos en, detener la mirada en.

Example: For a passing moment after resting her eyes on the tattoo on his arm, Lily had merely looked scared.

» roll + Posesivo + eyes = poner los ojos en blanco.

Example: Shariel sighed and rolled her eyes a little, as Akanan clearly didn't catch her drift.

» rub + Posesivo + eyes = frotarse los ojos.

Example: Tommy Oliver rubbed his eyes and groaned as he shambled into the autumn sunlight.

» runny eye = ojo lloroso.

Example: I know from personal experience cows can have runny eyes, but they've never told me personally why their eyes are runny.

» run + Posesivo + eye over = echar un ojo, echar un ojeada, echar un vistazo, echar una mirada.

Example: Siobhan grinned to herself, ran her eye over the page again, and went to fetch her camera from her bag.

» see + eye to eye (with/on) = estar de acuerdo (con/en), coincidir (con/en), ver con los mismos ojos.

Example: Although there is consensus on the priority of some strategies, execs from different departments don't see eye to eye on many others.

» see it with + Posesivo + own two eyes = verlo con + Posesivo + propios ojos.

Example: Even though everyone told Jessica about Chester's affairs, she did not believe it until she saw it with her own two eyes.

» see + Nombre + out of the corner of + Posesivo + eye = ver de refilón.

Example: Justine saw it out of the corner of her eye, and automatically sped up her steps.

» set + eyes on = ver, fijarse, prestar atención.

Example: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!.

» shifty eyes = mirada huidiza, mirada esquiva.

Example: Shifty eyes have usually been thought to be a sign of disinterest or that a person is lying.

» shun + the public eye = evitar la publicidad, evitar la fama, mantenerse alejado de la mirada pública, mantenerse alejado de la mirada del público.

Example: Throughout his career, as indeed his life, he has shunned the public eye and as Phillip Adams said 'he has been inclined to hide his light under a bushel'.

» shut-eye = sueño.

Example: America is raising a nation of sleep-deprived kids, with only 20 percent getting the recommended nine hours of shut-eye on school nights.

» shut + Posesivo + eyes = cerrar los ojos.

Example: She shut her eyes and stayed glued to the chilly tiled wall, even though it caused her skin to break out in goosepimples.

» sleep in + Posesivo + eyes = legaña, lagaña.

Example: When you wake up with sleep in your eyes and your host gives you a cup of espresso with a smile - at that point you know your holiday trip is going to be a success.

» squint + Posesivo + eyes = entrecerrar los ojos, torcer los ojos, torcer la vista.

Example: She leaned back and stared straight into the core of the light above, her eyes squinting.

» stardust in + Posesivo + eyes = lleno de ilusiones.

Example: They used to be raw, untrained middle-class girls with stardust in their eyes until they achieved prime time glory.

» starry-eyed = iluso, ilusorio.

Example: It would be starry-eyed to imagine that we the library ever reach into every home.

» tears + start to well up in + Posesivo + eyes = empezar a saltar las lágrimas.

Example: Tears started to well up in her eyes and travel down her cheeks.

» tears + well up in + Posesivo + eyes = saltársele a Alguien las lágrimas.

Example: Tears welled up in their eyes, rolled down their cheeks and fell to earth.

» there is/was more to it than meets/met the eye = las cosas no son tan simples como parecen, las cosas son más complicadas de lo que parecen, aquí hay gato encerrado, las apariencias engañan.

Example: So don't be too hasty to write it off -- there's more to it than meets the eye.

» there is/was more to the picture than meets/met the eye = las cosas no son tan simples como parecen, las cosas son más complicadas de lo que parecen, aquí hay gato encerrado, las apariencias engañan.

Example: Despite this common sense observation, most economists have failed to see that 'there's more to the picture than meets the eye', as Neil Young once sang.

» through the eyes of = a través de los ojos de.

Example: Take a peek at the world through the eyes of its youngest inhabitants via PapaInk, an online archive of children's artworks.

» tiger's eye = ojo de tigre.

Example: Part of the quartz family, tiger's eyes display some of the richest colours and textures we have yet discovered in gems.

» turn + a blind eye to = ignorar, hacerse el ciego, hacerse el sordo, hacerse el loco, hacer la vista gorda.

Example: Teachers and librarians cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the literature a child is brought up with at home, no matter how anemic and worthless it may seem to be.

» turn + Posesivo + eyes back = volver la mirada, volver la vista atrás, mirar hacia atrás, mirar para atrás.

Example: His smile broadened in approval as he turned his eyes back to the road.

» unaided eye, the = ojo humano sin ayuda de lente, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The lens is of universal focus, down to any distance accommodated by the unaided eye, simply because it is of short focal length.

» under + Posesivo + (very) eyes = delante de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, enfrente de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, ante + Posesivo + (mismos) ojos, delante de + Posesivo + (propios) ojos, enfrente de + Posesivo + (propios), ante + Posesivo + (propios) ojos.

Example: Life was simple until she bega to question events in her past and what lies ahead of her, and then things start to unravel at an alarming speed under her very eyes.

» unfold before + Posesivo + eyes = revelarse ante + Posesivo + ojos.

Example: The young librarian was not accustomed to seeing scenes of despair unfolding before his eyes with ever increasing frequency.

» view + Nombre + through fresh eyes = ver + Nombre + con nuevos ojos.

Example: In the process of sharing materials, ideas, and information with their overseas colleages, the Fellows viewed life and librarianship through fresh eyes.

» view + Nombre + through + Adjetivo + eyes = ver Algo desde el punto de vista + Adjetivo.

Example: She views librarianship through traditional eyes and plans to go into public service.

» view with + a critical eye = ver con un ojo crítico.

Example: What is described should be viewed with a critical eye.

» water + Posesivo + eyes = hacer saltar las lágrimas.

Example: When I lifted off the top of the bucket, the dark mixture smelt a bit vinegary -- not enough to water your eyes.

» watery eye = ojo lloroso.

Example: He was a little old man with an apologetic mien and watery eyes.

» white of + Posesivo + eye = blanco del ojo.

Example: As for her, she could not look at him without blushing to the whites of her eyes, and could not live for an instant without looking at him.

» with a glazed-over look in + Posesivo + eye = con la mirada vidriosa.

Example: Though he has some attentive and interested students, the majority of students look bored in his class, with that glazed-over look in their eye, and a surprising number skip class altogether.

» with an eye on = con la mirada puesta en, pensando en, sin perder de vista.

Example: Thus Panizzi, with a eye on the printed book catalog demanding stable entries, was led to rule that the works of an author should be entered under his earliest name which evoked the scorn of his critics.

» with an eye toward(s) = con vistas a, con la intención de, con la mirada en.

Example: This article presents a summary of the less aparent effects of these developments with an eye toward how these have reshaped contemporary conceptions of the physical book.

» worm's eye view = vista a ras de suelo.

Example: A view is a perspective representation of the landscape in which detail is shown as if projected on an oblique plane (e.g., a bird's eye view, panorama, panoramic drawing, worm's eye view).

eye2 = punto de vista. 

Example: Subject experts may bring a more informed and critical eye to document analysis.


» critical eye = actitud crítica, análisis crítico.

Example: Scholarly publishers routinely include in their contract requirements that may merit a critical eye.

» in + Posesivo + eyes = según + Pronombre, de acuerdo con + Pronombre, según + Posesivo + opinión, de acuerdo con + Posesivo + opinión, según + Posesivo + parecer, de acuerdo con + Posesivo + parecer, desde + Posesivo + punto de vista, para + Pronombre.

Example: Both were justifiable expenses in his eyes, and he'd flay her alive if he learned she was squandering his money on fripperies.

» in the eye of the beholder = según el color del cristal con que se mire. [Se utiliza para indicar que nuestra visión de la realidad está mediatizada por la subjetividad del individuo]

Example: The article is entitled 'In the eyes of the beholder: perceptions of professional journals by library/information science educators'.

» merit + a critical eye = ser digno de crítica.

Example: Scholarly publishers routinely include in their contract requirements that may merit a critical eye.

» see + Nombre + through + Nombre + eyes = ver + Nombre + desde la perspectiva de + Nombre.

Example: Yet there are managers who see their employees through Theory X eyes and prefer to manage from a hierarchical and tightly controlled perspective.

» with a critical eye = desde un punto de vista crítico, con una actitud crítica.

Example: The author considers the potential of the Internet as a medium for education and teaching with a critical eye and concludes that some of the assumptions about online learning are highly suspect.

eye3 = observar, mirar, mirar detenidamente, mirar de arriba abajo, echarle el ojo a, ojear. [Participio pasado eyeing (UK) o eying (USA)]

Example: The banking community is eyeing its possibilities with serious interest.


» eyeball

Eye synonyms

heart in spanish: corazón, pronunciation: hɑrt part of speech: noun center in spanish: centrar, pronunciation: sentɜr part of speech: noun centre in spanish: centrar, pronunciation: sentɜr part of speech: noun middle in spanish: medio, pronunciation: mɪdəl part of speech: noun, adjective optic in spanish: óptico, pronunciation: ɑptɪk part of speech: adjective oculus in spanish: óculo, pronunciation: oʊkjuləs part of speech: noun eyeball in spanish: globo del ojo, pronunciation: aɪbɔl part of speech: noun peeper in spanish: mirón, pronunciation: pipɜr part of speech: noun
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