Extrinsic in spanish


pronunciation: ekstɹ̩insekoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

extrinsic = extrínsico. [Característico de un objeto sólo en su relación con otro]

Example: Frequently occurring types of extrinsic characteristics are the characteristics of origin and of purpose.

Extrinsic synonyms

alien in spanish: extraterrestre, pronunciation: eɪliən part of speech: adjective, noun extraneous in spanish: extraño, pronunciation: ekstreɪniəs part of speech: adjective foreign in spanish: exterior, pronunciation: fɔrən part of speech: adjective outside in spanish: fuera de, pronunciation: aʊtsaɪd part of speech: adjective, noun external in spanish: externo, pronunciation: ɪkstɜrnəl part of speech: adjective adventitious in spanish: adventicio, pronunciation: ædvəntɪʃəs part of speech: adjective accidental in spanish: accidental, pronunciation: æksədentəl part of speech: adjective adscititious in spanish: adscito, pronunciation: ədsɪtɪʃəs part of speech: adjective

Extrinsic antonyms

intrinsic pronunciation: ɪntrɪnsɪk part of speech: adjective intrinsical pronunciation: ɪntrɪnsɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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