Extricate in spanish


pronunciation: libɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures



» extricate + Nombre + from = sacar + Nombre + de, extraer + Nombre + de.

Example: A driver and his 11 year old passenger had to be extricated from the vehicle after it overturned yesterday morning.

» extricate + Reflexivo = salir de la situación.

Example: It dawned on her that what she was doing might be a mistake, and she began to think of how best to extricate herself.

» extricate + Reflexivo + from = librarse de, liberarse de, desembarazarse de.

Example: This article examines the importance of biography as an element of public library provision which must be extricated from the straitjacket of the classification system.

Extricate synonyms

disentangle in spanish: desenredar, pronunciation: dɪsəntæŋgəl part of speech: verb untangle in spanish: desenredar, pronunciation: əntæŋgəl part of speech: verb disencumber in spanish: facilitar, pronunciation: dɪsɪnkʌmbɜr part of speech: verb
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