Extraction in spanish


pronunciation: ekstɹ̩ɑkθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

extraction = extracción, obtención. 

Example: For example, consider the two subjects: electrolytic extraction of aluminium from bauxite and welding of aluminium beer cans.


» extraction of terms = selección de términos. [Proceso por el cual los términos de indización se toman del texto que se indiza]

Example: The entry, change, and extraction of word and phrases from abstracts is described in detail in Chapter 9.

» feature extraction = extracción de características.

Example: Feature extraction has long been an important topic in pattern recognition.

» information extraction (IE) = extracción de información (EI).

Example: Information extraction (IE) may be defined as the activity of extracting information about a pre-specified set of entities, relations or events from natural language texts and to record this information in structured representations called templates.

Extraction synonyms

descent in spanish: descendencia, pronunciation: dɪsent part of speech: noun origin in spanish: origen, pronunciation: ɔrədʒən part of speech: noun abstraction in spanish: abstracción, pronunciation: æbstrækʃən part of speech: noun
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