Extract in spanish


pronunciation: ekstɹ̩ɑeɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

extract1 = extracto. [Texto constituido por frases seleccionadas de un documento]

Example: An extract is one or more portions of a document selected to represent the whole document.


» selected extracts = extractos selectos. [Documento derivado que consiste en una colección de documentos o de extractos de documentos]

Example: Selected extracts is a derivative document consisting of a collection of documents or extracts of documents.

extract2 = extracto, esencia, sustancia. 

Example: Their main ingredients are harvested from nature as juice, oils and extracts from organic fruits.


» beef extract = extracto de carne.

Example: Fueled by a desire to help feed the undernourished, in 1840 he developed a concentrated beef extract.

» coconut extract = extracto de coco.

Example: The paints were then scented with lemon, peppermint, coconut and vanilla extracts.

» lemon extract = extracto de limón.

Example: The paints were then scented with lemon, peppermint, coconut and vanilla extracts.

» lipid extract = extracto lípido.

Example: The different methodologies and techniques used to extract and analyse lipids and lipid extracts from food (milk, milk products, oil seeds, fat products) and biological materials are discussed.

» peppermint extract = extracto de menta.

Example: The paints were then scented with lemon, peppermint, coconut and vanilla extracts.

» vanilla extract = extracto de vainilla.

Example: The paints were then scented with lemon, peppermint, coconut and vanilla extracts.

» yeast extract = extracto de levadura.

Example: Sugar molasses is the main raw material for yeast extracts.

extract3 = entresacar, extraer. 

Example: The keywords are extracted from the titles and displayed as a heading.


» extract from = extraer de.

Example: Thus, for instance, a title statement will be extracted from a title page, and not from the cover or the spine.

Extract synonyms

elicit in spanish: obtener, pronunciation: ɪlɪsɪt part of speech: verb express in spanish: exprimir, pronunciation: ɪkspres part of speech: verb, noun excerpt in spanish: extracto, pronunciation: eksɜrpt part of speech: noun evoke in spanish: evocar, pronunciation: ɪvoʊk part of speech: verb infusion in spanish: infusión, pronunciation: ɪnfjuʒən part of speech: noun selection in spanish: selección, pronunciation: səlekʃən part of speech: noun educe in spanish: educir, pronunciation: ɪdus part of speech: verb distill in spanish: destilar, pronunciation: dɪstɪl part of speech: verb take out in spanish: eliminar, pronunciation: teɪkaʊt part of speech: verb distil in spanish: destilar, pronunciation: dɪstɪl part of speech: verb pull out in spanish: extraer, pronunciation: pʊlaʊt part of speech: verb draw out in spanish: sacar, pronunciation: drɔaʊt part of speech: verb press out in spanish: exprimir, pronunciation: presaʊt part of speech: verb
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