Extort in spanish


pronunciation: ekstoʊɹ̩sioʊnɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

extort = extorsionar, chantajear. 

Example: After extorting cash and valuables from the victims at knife point, the gang would kill them.


» extort + a promise = hacer prometer, arrancar una promesa.

Example: She told him all about it after extorting the most solemn promises of secrecy.

» extort + money = extorsionar dinero.

Example: Two men going about as traffic police officers are being investigated by the force after they extorted money from a driver.

Extort synonyms

rack in spanish: estante, pronunciation: ræk part of speech: noun wring in spanish: exprimir, pronunciation: rɪŋ part of speech: verb gouge in spanish: gubia, pronunciation: gaʊdʒ part of speech: noun, verb wring from in spanish: escurrir de, pronunciation: rɪŋfrʌm part of speech: verb
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