Externalize in spanish


pronunciation: eksteɹ̩ioʊɹ̩iθɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

externalise [externalize, -USA] = exteriorizar. 

Example: If the reader wishes to externalize that relationship, this will happen best as an act of free choice.


» externalise + a problem = exteriorizar un problema.

Example: Counselling requires much more time and in-depth probing, although it can at one extreme cover simply the act of lending a sympathetic ear to clients who, in externalizing their problems, may thus be better able to face them and arrive at a solution.

Externalize synonyms

project in spanish: proyecto, pronunciation: prɑdʒekt part of speech: noun exteriorize in spanish: exteriorizar, pronunciation: ɪkstɪriɜraɪz part of speech: verb externalise in spanish: externalizar, pronunciation: ɪkstɜrnɑlaɪz part of speech: verb
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