External in spanish


pronunciation: eksteɹ̩noʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

external = externo. 

Example: From time to time it may be necessary to consult external references sources in order for the indexer to achieve a sufficient understanding of the document content for effective indexing.


» external audit = auditoría externa.

Example: The most important thing is to be sure that he has an external audit done of his company's financial statements.

» external auditing = auditoría externa.

Example: To be selected as a candidate for external auditing there are requirements that must be met.

» external auditor = auditor externo.

Example: External auditors are independent staff assigned by an auditing firm to assess and evaluate financial statements of their clients.

» external auditory canal = canal auditivo externo, meato auditivo externo.

Example: Otitis externa is a bacterial infection of the external auditory canal.

» external auditory meatus = meato auditivo externo.

Example: The external auditory meatus is a small, twisting, tunnel-like 'tube' that connects the pinna to the tympanic membrane.

» external database = base de datos externa.

Example: Similar, but appropriately adjusted considerations, must be taken into account when considering whether to build an in-house database or to use an external database.

» external debt = deuda externa.

Example: Domestic factors played a significant role in Sudan's external debt crisis which emerged in the early 1980s..

» external examiner = examinador externo.

Example: The examining committee normally consists of professors from the university and sometimes, an external examiner.

» external hard drive = disco duro externo.

Example: An external hard drive is one of the cheapest and best computer backup devices.

» external student = estudiante de matrícula libre.

Example: This article aims to examine the effects which free access to tertiary libraries close to home has on the library use patterns of external students.

» external validity = validez externa.

Example: The scheme comprises 4 dimensions: external validity, internal validity, institutional adequacy and formal adequacy.

» for external use only = de uso externo, uso tópico.

Example: This hydrocortisone is for external use only and avoid contact with the eyes.

External synonyms

international in spanish: internacional, pronunciation: ɪntɜrnæʃənəl part of speech: adjective, noun extraneous in spanish: extraño, pronunciation: ekstreɪniəs part of speech: adjective foreign in spanish: exterior, pronunciation: fɔrən part of speech: adjective outside in spanish: fuera de, pronunciation: aʊtsaɪd part of speech: adjective, noun exogenous in spanish: exógeno, pronunciation: eksoʊdʒənəs part of speech: adjective extrinsic in spanish: extrínseco, pronunciation: ekstrɪnsɪk part of speech: adjective outer in spanish: exterior, pronunciation: aʊtɜr part of speech: adjective outward in spanish: hacia fuera, pronunciation: aʊtwɜrd part of speech: adjective

External antonyms

internal pronunciation: ɪntɜrnəl part of speech: adjective
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