Extenuating in spanish


pronunciation: ɑtenuɑnte part of speech: adjective
In gestures

extenuate = atenuar, paliar, mitigar, disminuir. 

Example: The Depression extenuated the fact that impoverished Americans were helpless in a capitalistic system that denied them any voice.

extenuating = atenuante, mitigador, paliativo, suavizante, suavizador. 

Example: But it may well be conjectured there were considerations of an extenuating nature.


» extenuating circumstance = circunstancia atenuante.

Example: Extenuating circumstances are non-recurring events that are beyond the borrower's control that result in a sudden, significant, and prolonged reduction in income.

» extenuating factor = factor atenuante.

Example: South African courts have recently accepted social psychological phenomena as extenuating factors in murder trials.

Extenuating synonyms

exculpatory in spanish: justificante, pronunciation: ekskʌlpətɔri part of speech: adjective
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