Extent in spanish


pronunciation: gɹ̩ɑdoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

extent = grado, alcance, nivel, número, frecuencia, intensidad. 

Example: The extent of searchable elements will vary from one data base to another.


» be true to a certain extent = ser verdad hasta cierto punto, ser verdad dentro de ciertos límites.

Example: That might be true to a certain extent but I'm sure they still have problems that their 'looks' can't fix.

» extent of activity = ámbito de actuación.

Example: These parameters delimit the extent of activity and are important to have in place before concrete action plans are created.

» extent of item = extensión. [Primer elemento del área de descripción física que detalla el número de unidades de la obra que se describe y la designación específica del material]

Example: The first element of the physical description area is the extent of item and it gives the number and the specific material designation of the units of the item being described and, in some cases, other indications of the extent (e.g. duration).

» in extent of = en cuanto a, en lo que respecta a, por lo que respecta a, con respecto a, en lo que se refiere a, en lo referido a, en lo referente a.

Example: In extent of enumeration and location of some topics, the sixteenth edition went back to the fourteenth edition.

» punish + to the full extent of the law = castigar con todo el peso de la ley.

Example: Anyone who wilfully or wantonly and without cause writes upon, injures, defaces, tears or destroys any book, plate, picture, engraving, or statue belonging to the Library shall be punished to the full extent of the law of the State.

» quality and extent of, the = calidad y alcance.

Example: The quality and extent of service a librarian can provide and the immediate value to the company will win substantial recognition and support for the library in general.

» the extent of = el tamaño de, el grado de.

Example: Variations in the extent of the description between a set of entries account to a large extent for the distinction between main, added and unit entries.

» the extent to which = la medida en que, el grado en que, hasta qué punto.

Example: Quite obviously, however, everything rests in the end on the extent to which people grow up to be avid, thoughtful readers.

» to a certain extent = en cierta medida, en cierto modo.

Example: To a certain extent librarians have found their dependence on centralised bodies irksome.

» to a considerable extent = de modo considerable, en gran medida.

Example: If the report is to a considerable extent in the words of the reporter then entry will be made under the heading for the reporter.

» to a fair extent = en un grado bastante aceptable.

Example: The 1949 code was adopted to a fair extent in the United States.

» to a greater extent = en mayor grado, en mayor medida.

Example: These advantages also hold, to a greater extent, in the case of containers filled with a pasteurized liquid containing a dissolved gas under pressure (for example beer).

» to a greater or lesser extent = en mayor o menor medida.

Example: The staff of SLIS have, to a greater or lesser extent, been drawn into such teaching.

» to a great extent = en gran medida, en gran parte.

Example: To a great extent, these are self-explanatory reasons.

» to a large extent = en gran medida.

Example: Variations in the extent of the description between a set of entries account to a large extent for the distinction between main, added and unit entries.

» to a larger extent = en mayor grado, en mayor medida.

Example: Thus, to a larger extent, the Civil War did represent a revolution constitutionally and in national politics.

» to a lesser extent = en menor grado.

Example: The Prussian Instructions were also widely adopted in Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland, and to a lesser extent Denmark, Holland and Norway.

» to a limited extent = hasta un punto limitado.

Example: The notation from the Tables provides systematic mnemonics to a limited extent, since the same notation is used for a concept whichever main class numbers it qualifies.

» to an appreciable extent = de modo apreciable.

Example: A problem which surfaced to an appreciable extent with the advent of the all-media catalog is the subject analysis of nonbook materials.

» to any significant extent = de manera significativa, de forma significativa.

Example: This chapter does not consider the principles underlying AACR, nor does it review the structure of the code to any significant extent.

» to a significant extent = de manera significativa, de forma significativa.

Example: The legibility of characters, the characteristics of the viewing screen, the annotation and indexing of the contents and the degree of user control over these all seem to affect the acceptability of microforms to a significant extent.

» to its full extent = al máximo, al máximo de sus posibilidades.

Example: The only way to success is by recognizing the strength of the individual, developing it and exploiting it to its full extent.

» to some extent = en cierto sentido, en cierta medida, en cierto modo, hasta cierto punto.

Example: To some extent, at least, any theory designed to study this process evolves from practice rather than vice versa.

» to the extent possible = en la medida de lo posible, hasta donde se pueda, hasta donde sea posible.

Example: You should preserve confidentiality to the extent possible, but do not promise the complainant that her identity cannot be revealed.

» to the extent that = en la medida en que, si.

Example: A future with online catalogues will still require analytical entries, to the extent that records need to contain notes of contents of works.

» to the full extent of the law = con todo el peso de la ley.

Example: In that case, such lies, whether under oath or not, should be treated as the crimes that they are and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

» to this extent = en este grado, en este extremo.

Example: I fear, however, that if you oversimplify to this extent you reduce everything to the lowest common denominator, at the expense of quality.

» to varying extents = en diverso grado, en distinto grado.

Example: Analytical cataloguing is practised to varying extents in libraries.

» to what extent = hasta qué punto, grado, límite.

Example: Clearly an index must permit access to a document by its central theme, but, to what extent should access be provided to secondary or subsidiary topics considered within a document?.

» whole extent, the = totalidad, la.

Example: The whole extent of Chernobyl's damage -- both in terms of human casualties and environmental destruction -- may never be known for sure.

Extent synonyms

expanse in spanish: extensión, pronunciation: ɪkspæns part of speech: noun
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