Extensive in spanish


pronunciation: ekstensoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

extensive = amplio, grande, enorme. 

Example: The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.


» an extensive range of = una extensa gama de, una extensa variedad de, una gran variedad de, una amplia variedad de, una gran diversidad de, una gran gama de, una amplia gama de, un gran número de.

Example: They design, manufacture and distribute an extensive range of cosmetics and toiletries.

» coextensive [co-extensive] = coincidente, preciso, concreto.

Example: Bibliographies in general are also retrieval devices; the difference here is that the bibliography is not coextensive with the stock of the library it may omit items in stock and include others not in stock.

Extensive synonyms

comprehensive in spanish: exhaustivo, pronunciation: kɑmprihensɪv part of speech: adjective big in spanish: grande, pronunciation: bɪg part of speech: adjective large in spanish: grande, pronunciation: lɑrdʒ part of speech: adjective abundant in spanish: abundante, pronunciation: əbʌndənt part of speech: adjective copious in spanish: copioso, pronunciation: koʊpiəs part of speech: adjective wide in spanish: amplio, pronunciation: waɪd part of speech: adjective sweeping in spanish: barrido, pronunciation: swipɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective considerable in spanish: considerable, pronunciation: kənsɪdɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective extended in spanish: extendido, pronunciation: ɪkstendəd part of speech: adjective far-reaching in spanish: de gran alcance, pronunciation: fɜrritʃɪŋ part of speech: adjective

Extensive antonyms

intensive pronunciation: ɪntensɪv part of speech: adjective
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