Extension in spanish


pronunciation: ekstensioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

extension1 = prolongación, extensión, aumento, ampliación. 

Example: These can be seen as extensions of the supportive role provided by Neighbourhood Advice Centres to community groups.


» agricultural extension = extensión agraria.

Example: From evaluation of findings, practical field experience is singled out as the most important prerequisite for effective university training in agricultural extension.

» agricultural extension worker = perito de extensión agraria.

Example: The specific task and function of the agricultural extension worker are identified as being more than those of a mere information intermediary.

» by extension = por extensión.

Example: Videoconferencing is now a useful tool in the virtual office and by extension in the virtual library.

» extension activity = extensión bibliotecaria. [Actos organizados por la biblioteca que aunque no son puramente bibliotecarios ayudan a difundir su imagen entre los ciudadanos]

Example: A variety of extension activities, such as book clubs, competitions and quizzes also help to publicize the stock and the work of the library.

» extension cable = alargardera.

Example: Extension cables longer than 3 meters can be ordered at additional cost.

» extension cord = alargardera.

Example: Two young children were injured in a fire caused by an overloaded extension cord.

» extension course = curso que tiene lugar fuera de la universidad.

Example: This is a report of a survey of off-campus/extension courses in graduates library education programs accredited by the American Library Association.

» extension lead = alargardera.

Example: Extension leads must be used only for small power appliances.

» extension service = servicio de extensión bibliotecaria.

Example: The article 'Who dare say that the emperor is naked?' is a contribution to a thematic issue on literacy in Sweden and the contribution made by public library extension services.

» extension sign = señal de ampliación. [Símbolo que indica la unión de dos o más clases consecutivas en una clasificación]

Example: An extension sign is a symbol indicating the joining of two or more consecutive classes.

» hair extension = extensión de cabello, extensión de pelo.

Example: She lived beyond her means, routinely spending thousands of bucks on hair extensions and beauty treatments and throwing lavish parties for him.

» library extension work = servicio de extensión bibliotecaria.

Example: This article outlines the service to all age groups and sectors of the community, library extension work such as reading groups and use of the library by clubs and societies.

extension2 = anexo. 

Example: Enter a separately published protocol, amendment, extension, or other agreement ancillary to a treaty, etc., under the heading for the basic agreement.


» verbal extension = apéndice verbal.

Example: In any class, if a desired concept is not specified in the 'normal' UDC notation, it can be individualized by a verbal extension to the class number.

extension3 = extensión. 

Example: Searches saved ondisc are saved as disk files and are given the file name extension .SRC.


» file name extension = extensión del nombre del fichero.

Example: Searches saved ondisc are saved as disk files and are given the file name extension .SRC.

» MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) = MIME (Extensiones Multiuso para el Correo en Internet). [En Internet, estándar para adjuntar ficheros que no sean ASCII a los mensajes enviados]

Example: MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a standard for attaching non-text files to standard Internet mail messages.

extension4 = ampliación. 

Example: This article also describes a multi-million pound extension scheme which is in the course of construction at Glasgow's Mitchell Library = Este artículo también describe una ampliación de varios millones de libras que está en construcción en la Biblioteca Mitchell de Glasgow.


» library extension = ampliación de la biblioteca.

Example: A new library or library extension should be considered only if the project is justified on grounds other than those of the space requirement, e.g. obsolescence.

Extension synonyms

reference in spanish: referencia, pronunciation: refɜrəns part of speech: noun wing in spanish: ala, pronunciation: wɪŋ part of speech: noun annex in spanish: anexo, pronunciation: æneks part of speech: noun, verb propagation in spanish: propagación, pronunciation: prɑpəgeɪʃən part of speech: noun denotation in spanish: denotación, pronunciation: denəteɪʃən part of speech: noun annexe in spanish: anexo, pronunciation: əneks part of speech: noun prolongation in spanish: prolongación, pronunciation: prɑləŋgeɪʃən part of speech: noun elongation in spanish: alargamiento, pronunciation: ilɔŋgeɪʃən part of speech: noun lengthiness in spanish: lo duro, pronunciation: leŋginəs part of speech: noun university extension in spanish: extensión universitaria, pronunciation: junəvɜrsətiɪkstenʃən part of speech: noun extension service in spanish: servicio de extensión, pronunciation: ɪkstenʃənsɜrvəs part of speech: noun

Extension antonyms

contraction pronunciation: kəntrækʃən part of speech: noun
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