Extended in spanish


pronunciation: ekstendidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

extend = ampliar, extender, aplicar por extensión. 

Example: The term author is normally extended to include writers, illustrator, performers, producers, translators, and others with some intellectual or artistic responsibility for a work.


» extend + an invitation = cursar una invitación, invitar.

Example: The film tells of the uproar the librarian created when he extended an invitation to an advocate of theories on black inferiority to address a high school assembly.

» extend + as far back as + Expresión Temporal = remontarse a.

Example: Interpretations of early Egyptian papyri, extending as far back as 1300 B.C., indicate that the bureaucratic states of antiquity recognized the importance of organization and administration.

» extend + far and wide = extenderse por todas partes, llegar a todas partes, extenderse por todos lados, llegar a todos lados.

Example: The ripple effect of 9/11 has extended far and wide.

» extend + far back = remontarse en el tiempo, tener una larga historia.

Example: Dragons evolved from rainbows through the concept of the rainbow serpent, a concept that itself extends far back into the Pleistocene.

» extend + far beyond = sobrepasar, superar.

Example: We have seen that the relationships of the Publications Office with the institutions and other bodies of the European Communities may in theory, but do not yet in practice extend far beyond those with the six managing institutions.

» extend + horizons = ampliar los horizontes.

Example: Library and information science schools must extend professional horizons, training professionals who will create new jobs.

» extend + Nombre + one step further = desarrollar aun más, llevar aun más lejos.

Example: We can extend these two concepts one step further, and use them to guarantee the integrity of the authority file itself.

» extend + Posesivo + hand = dar la mano.

Example: Putting on an acting-for-the-best demeanor, she approached him and extended her hand.

» extend + Posesivo + education = ampliar + Posesivo + educación.

Example: The base of higher education is shrinking because of an evident disinclination on the part of growing numbers of eligible students to extend their education.

» extend + Posesivo + experience = ampliar la experiencia.

Example: Literature can also extend the students' experience, broaden their perspective and expand their knowledge and understanding.

» extend + Posesivo + hours = ampliar el horario de apertura.

Example: Many information agencies exist on a shoestring budgets find it financially impossible to extend their hours.

» extend + Posesivo + stay = alargar + Posesivo + estancia.

Example: Her intentions were to find her bearings and get back on the road, but when she totalled her car after encountering an oversized wolf, she had no choice but to extend her stay.

» extend + Posesivo + thanks = hacer extensivo + Posesivo + agradecimiento, agradecer.

Example: I would like to extend my thanks to our host who was kind enough to invite me.

» extend + the life = prolongar la vida.

Example: Hopefully what I've done will have degunked any gunk there was and extended the life of my washing machine.

» extend + the reach of = ampliar el alcance de .

Example: Application of the Internet can overcome the obstacles as it can extend the reach of critical business processes for the benefit of diverse users.

» extend + the useful life = prolongar la vida útil.

Example: The course was designed to extend the useful life of books in the light of budget constraints.

extended = extenso, amplio, ampliado. 

Example: The brief abstracts and extended abstracts of papers, not published in full in the proceedings, are excluded.


» extended edition = edición ampliada.

Example: In 1990 the publication of a corrected and extended edition of this guide became necessary.

» extended family = familiares, parientes, parentela.

Example: One of the advantages of having an extended family is the stability and consistency that it can bring to the life of the children.

» extended hours = horario de apertura más amplio.

Example: There is a continuing need for public libraries to offer extended hours of service.

» extended loan = préstamo renovado, renovación de préstamos.

Example: If there are extended loans in the loan policy, only copies out on extended loan will be used to satisfy hold request.

» extended opening hours = horario de apertura ampliado.

Example: Camberley residents will be able to visit their local community recycling centre later in the day when new extended opening hours are trialled.

» extended period = período prolongado.

Example: A heat wave is an extended period of extreme heat, and is often accompanied by high humidity = Una ola de calor es un período prolongado de calor extremo y que ocasionalmente va acompañada de una alta humedad.

» extended version = versión ampliada.

Example: An extended version of the bibliography created as a by-product of this study is published as a supplement to this issue.

» for an extended duration = durante un largo período.

Example: While most symptoms of dizziness last seconds, they can make a person feel out of sorts for an extended duration.

» for extended durations = durante largos períodos.

Example: Is sitting in a chair with the legs crossed for extended durations detrimental to the spine?.

Extended synonyms

spread in spanish: untado, pronunciation: spred part of speech: verb, noun big in spanish: grande, pronunciation: bɪg part of speech: adjective long in spanish: largo, pronunciation: lɔŋ part of speech: adjective, adverb large in spanish: grande, pronunciation: lɑrdʒ part of speech: adjective extensive in spanish: extenso, pronunciation: ɪkstensɪv part of speech: adjective wide in spanish: amplio, pronunciation: waɪd part of speech: adjective protracted in spanish: prolongado, pronunciation: proʊtræktɪd part of speech: adjective figurative in spanish: figurativo, pronunciation: fɪgjɜrətɪv part of speech: adjective prolonged in spanish: prolongado, pronunciation: prəlɔŋd part of speech: adjective sprawling in spanish: desmadejado, pronunciation: sprɔlɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective considerable in spanish: considerable, pronunciation: kənsɪdɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective lengthy in spanish: largo, pronunciation: leŋθi part of speech: adjective elongated in spanish: alargado, pronunciation: ɪlɔŋgeɪtəd part of speech: adjective stretched in spanish: estirado, pronunciation: stretʃt part of speech: adjective expanded in spanish: expandido, pronunciation: ɪkspændəd part of speech: adjective spread-eagle in spanish: águila extendida, pronunciation: spridheɪgəl part of speech: verb, adjective drawn-out in spanish: Sacado, pronunciation: drɔnaʊt part of speech: adjective sprawled in spanish: desparramado, pronunciation: sprɔld part of speech: adjective outstretched in spanish: extendido, pronunciation: aʊtstretʃt part of speech: adjective lengthened in spanish: alargado, pronunciation: leŋθənd part of speech: adjective outspread in spanish: extendido, pronunciation: aʊtspred part of speech: adjective nonliteral in spanish: no literal, pronunciation: nɑnlɪtɜrəl part of speech: adjective sprawly in spanish: extenso, pronunciation: sprɔli part of speech: adjective unrolled in spanish: desenrollado, pronunciation: ənroʊld part of speech: adjective stretched out in spanish: extendido, pronunciation: stretʃtaʊt part of speech: adjective

Extended antonyms

condensed pronunciation: kəndenst part of speech: verb, adjective unextended pronunciation: ənɪkstendɪd part of speech: adjective
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