Expression in spanish


pronunciation: ekspɹ̩esioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

expression = expresión, manifestación. 

Example: The first two steps require the recognition of the individual concepts present in the topic, and their expression in the terms available in the controlled vocabulary.


» blank expression = expresión en blanco, mirada vacía, mirada inexpresiva.

Example: His unnamed protagonist is a squat little bookstore clerk of blank expression and deadpan movements.

» call for expressions of interest = convocatoria de presentación de solicitudes.

Example: A call for expressions of interest published in Jun 96 to gather initiatives to develop the market attracted over 5,000 responses from more than 2,200 different sources.

» coin + an expression = acuñar una expresión.

Example: He had a peerless ability to coin expressions of invective and to hurl them against his chosen enemies.

» deadpan expression = cara de póker, cara de póquer.

Example: Twain recited his material in careless dress and constant deadpan expression, often appearing to be unprepared or confused.

» expression of interest = solicitud, muestra de interés.

Example: IFLA has received five expressions of interest to host the World Library and Information Congress in 2008.

» facial expression = expresión facial.

Example: It has been discovered that head-nods, gaze-shifts, physical posture, and most of all facial expression, do make up in fact a patterned body-language.

» find + expression = encontrar expresión, practicarse.

Example: The majority of respondents to the study believe that SLIS are offering a type of education that rarely find expression elsewhere.

» freedom of expression = libertad de expresión.

Example: Librarians have affirmed their attachment to freedom of expression.

» give + expression to = dar expresión a.

Example: She adds a new dimension to the traditional theme of love by giving expression to her emotions in a simple and pellucid style.

» hackneyed expression = tópico, cliché.

Example: By stereotypes I mean the hackneyed expressions people use in a more or less automatic fashion without stopping to think what they really mean.

» idiomatic expression = expresión idiomática, giro, giro idiomático, modismo.

Example: In addition it should include frequently encountered abbreviations and acronyms, idiomatic expressions, technical terminology, neologisms, nonstandard speech, Briticisms and Canadianisms.

» mathematical expression = ecuación matemática.

Example: Guidelines can be expected to discuss some or all of the following: list of standard abbreviations, including those of journal titles and standard forms of quoting chemical nomenclature and mathematical expressions.

» mode of expression = forma de expresión, modo de expresión.

Example: Success of any search for relevant information hinges on how readily predictable are the modes of expression for concepts and statements in the search file.

» quintessential expression = quintaesencia.

Example: The quintessential expression of this ideal is our amazing public library system -- for which we must specially thank all thousands of dedicated librarians throughout America whom one of my predecessors called our 'sentinels of liberty.

» search expression = ecuación de búsqueda, expresión de búsqueda.

Example: Every time a term was employed in a search expression, a count in the dictionary file was updated.

» way of expression = forma de expresión, modo de expresión.

Example: One of the school's tasks is to enable pupils to acquire knowledge, skills and ways of expression which will contribute to their all round development.

Expression synonyms

look in spanish: Mira, pronunciation: lʊk part of speech: verb, noun face in spanish: cara, pronunciation: feɪs part of speech: noun, verb aspect in spanish: aspecto, pronunciation: æspekt part of speech: noun reflection in spanish: reflexión, pronunciation: rəflekʃən part of speech: noun formula in spanish: fórmula, pronunciation: fɔrmjələ part of speech: noun construction in spanish: construcción, pronunciation: kənstrʌkʃən part of speech: noun manifestation in spanish: manifestación, pronunciation: mænəfesteɪʃən part of speech: noun saying in spanish: diciendo, pronunciation: seɪɪŋ part of speech: noun formulation in spanish: formulación, pronunciation: fɔrmjəleɪʃən part of speech: noun locution in spanish: locución, pronunciation: loʊkjuʃən part of speech: noun reflexion in spanish: reflexión, pronunciation: rɪfleksiən part of speech: noun facial expression in spanish: expresión facial, pronunciation: feɪʃəlɪkspreʃən part of speech: noun
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