Exposure in spanish


pronunciation: ekspoʊsiθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

exposure1 = exposición. 

Example: The 1850s also saw the appearance of photolithography, whereby a chemical film spread on the surface of a litho stone or plate was rendered insoluble and water-repellent by exposure to light.


» chronic exposure = exposición crónica.

Example: Chronic exposure to benzene results in a unique form of dysplasia.

» exposure to sunlight = exposición a la luz solar, exposición al sol.

Example: Freckles are caused by exposure to sunlight, especially on those with fair skin.

» exposure to the elements = exposición a los elementos, exposición a la intemperie, a la intemperie.

Example: After four decades of exposure to the elements, the garden has been fully renovated and restored to its former glory.

» indecent exposure = exposición indecente.

Example: A photofit of a man accused of indecent exposure has been released by Police in the hope that someone will be able to identify him.

» sun exposure = exposición al sol.

Example: The questions concerned primary prevention (alcohol, smoking, diet, sun exposure, etc.) and cancer screening (breast, cervix, colorectal, prostate and other cancers).

exposure2 = experiencia, contacto, relación. 

Example: This article also examines the need for exposure to AI by all students in order to become familiar with capabilities and limitations of AI-based systems.


» exposure to = contacto con.

Example: It is often remarked by students that exposure to cases creates a new interest in textbook material.

» gain + exposure = hacerse ver, hacerse visible.

Example: Authors gain exposure in their domain -- isn't it why one publishes? -- all the more so if it is through peer reviewing and what we hope will be a high quality conference.

exposure3 = fotografía. 

Example: There is a film on the camera for a hundred exposures, and the spring for operating its shutter and shifting its film is wound once for all when the film is inserted.


» adjust + exposure = ajustar la exposición.

Example: There is a built-in photocell on the camera such as we now have on at least one camera, which automatically adjust exposure for a wide range of illumination.

exposure4 = acusación, desenmascaramiento, denunciación. 

Example: This book is an uncompromising exposure of the ideological mist that envelops romantics and romanticists.

Exposure synonyms

photo in spanish: foto, pronunciation: foʊtoʊ part of speech: noun vulnerability in spanish: vulnerabilidad, pronunciation: vəlnɜrəbɪlɪti part of speech: noun photograph in spanish: fotografía, pronunciation: foʊtəgræf part of speech: noun
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