Exposition in spanish


pronunciation: ekspoʊsiθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

exposition = exposición, explicación, presentación. 

Example: Ninety-nine years ago Charles Cutter began his exposition of a set of cataloging rules with the following objectives.


» clarity of exposition = claridad de exposición.

Example: The literature pertaining to causative factors of child abuse was assess to determine clarity of exposition, technical soundness, & appropriateness of analysis.

Exposition synonyms

exhibition in spanish: exposición, pronunciation: eksəbɪʃən part of speech: noun expo in spanish: expo, pronunciation: ekspoʊ part of speech: noun construal in spanish: construido, pronunciation: kənstruəl part of speech: noun expounding in spanish: exponiendo, pronunciation: ɪkspaʊndɪŋ part of speech: noun
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