Exponential in spanish


pronunciation: ekspoʊnenθiɑl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

exponential1 = vertiginoso, acelerado, enorme. 

Example: Information technology continues to develop at an exponential rate.


» at an exponential rate = a una velocidad vertiginosa, a pasos agigantados.

Example: Information technology continues to develop at an exponential rate.

» at exponential rates = a una velocidad vertiginosa, a pasos agigantados.

Example: Computer and telecommunication technologies, which are advancing at exponential rates, are greatly enhancing the ability to communicate.

» exponential growth = crecimiento exponencial, aumento exponencial, crecimiento vertiginoso, aumento vertiginoso.

Example: With healthy roots in the library field, optical disc technology is on the verge of exponential growth into broader markets.

» exponential increase = crecimiento exponencial, aumento exponencial, crecimiento vertiginoso, aumento vertiginoso.

Example: By the 20th century, the industrial revolution had resulted in an exponential increase in the human consumption of resources and an increase in health, wealth and population.

» exponential rate of + growth = crecimiento vertiginoso.

Example: This article studies the impact of exponential rate of growth of periodicals and their cost on scientific and technical libraries.

» exponential rate of + Nombre = Nombre + vertiginoso.

Example: The study revealed an exponential rate of decay with time in the use of older biomedical and psychological literature.

exponential2 = exponencial. 

Example: There is a preference for the linear rather than the exponential method of calculating data trends.


» exponential distribution = distribución exponencial.

Example: However, the productivity varies widely across individuals and follows an exponential distribution (with most authors producing at the lowest rate).

Exponential synonyms

exponential function in spanish: funcion exponencial, pronunciation: ekspoʊnentʃəlfʌŋkʃən part of speech: noun
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