Explosive in spanish


pronunciation: eksploʊsiboʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

explosive1 = explosivo. [Nombre]

Example: Libraries still remain as 'windows on the world' and 'warehouses of explosives whose shelves are ranked with the most furious combustibles in the world -- the brains of men'.


» explosive expert = experto en explosivos.

Example: Explosives experts say that to make a bomb from ammonium nitrate fertiliser is relatively straightforward.

» high explosive = explosivo de alta potencia.

Example: Either armor piercing or high explosive ammunition may be selected with the flick of a switch.

» nuclear explosive = explosivo nuclear.

Example: This article discusses are the commercial uses of nuclear explosives as well as the testing of nuclear weapons.

» plant + explosives = plantar explosivos.

Example: Terrorists have been known to use the underside of vehicles to plant explosives and for smuggling objects across security checkpoints.

explosive2 = explosivo, fulminante. [Adjetivo]

Example: The explosive growth of Internet resources has generated an intense need for support in the search for and assessment of those resources.


» explosive charge = carga explosiva.

Example: In one of the attacks, two explosive charges destroyed the external wall of the church and created a wave of panic among children and nuns.

» explosive device = artefacto explosivo.

Example: The reference librarian was approached with a request for information on the construction of a small explosive device and how much cordite would be needed to blow up a normal-sized house.

» explosive entrance = entrada aparatosa.

Example: I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight during a visit to a college to speak to student teachers by the explosive entrance of a lecturer.

» explosive mixture = mezcla explosiva.

Example: Was it due to overconfidence, too much reliance on the efficient markets model, or an explosive mixture of human nature and the free market?.

» non-explosive = no explosivo.

Example: The rise of documentation in this country takes a rather different turn, due largely to the development of fine grain photographic emulsions and the miniature camera using a film with an acetate, non-explosive, base.

explosive3 = irascible. 

Example: The explosive Cameron Shepherd then brought the Wallabies to within a point of France with the team's second try five minutes later.


» explosive temper = temperamento explosivo.

Example: He had an explosive temper in a way that was terrorizing.

Explosive synonyms

volatile in spanish: volátil, pronunciation: vɑlətəl part of speech: adjective sudden in spanish: repentino, pronunciation: sʌdən part of speech: adjective unstable in spanish: inestable, pronunciation: ənsteɪbəl part of speech: adjective bursting in spanish: muy lleno, pronunciation: bɜrstɪŋ part of speech: adjective exploding in spanish: explotando, pronunciation: ɪksploʊdɪŋ part of speech: adjective detonating in spanish: detonante, pronunciation: detəneɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective detonative in spanish: detonante, pronunciation: dɪtɑnətɪv part of speech: adjective

Explosive antonyms

nonexplosive pronunciation: nɑneksploʊsɪv part of speech: adjective
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