Explore in spanish


pronunciation: eksploʊɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

explore = explorar, estudiar, analizar. 

Example: Next I will illustrate a simple search profile which does not explore all possible synonyms, but does serve to illustrate weighted term logic.


» explore + an alternative = estudiar una alternativa.

Example: Its aim is to explore alternatives to storing and photcopying the paper issues.

» explore + an idea = estudiar una posibilidad, analizar una posibilidad.

Example: Cosmologists have begun exploring the idea that the evolution of the universe is cyclic = Los cosmólogos han comenzado a analizar la posibilidad de que la evolución del universo es cíclica.

» explore + an issue = analizar una cuestión.

Example: The objective of the study is to explore the issue of budgeting for public library services.

» explore + a question = analizar una cuestión.

Example: Which is a more effective location is a question that can be explored, but we do need to avoid the situation faced by other in situations developed in past ages, like the Church of England, whose physical plant (the church buildings) is over-provided for the denuded rural areas and under-provided for the city.

» explore + a territory = explorar un territorio.

Example: The theme of the conference was 'Border crossings: exploring new territories for special collections'.

» explore + a theme = analizar un tema, examinar un tema.

Example: In comparison with adult literature, South African children's literature presents issues more bluntly and also explores themes barely touched on in adult fiction.

» explore + roads = explorar métodos.

Example: This seminar brought together librarians, educators, publishers and community activists to explore 'New Roads to Promoting Reading'.

» explore + the possibility = estudiar la posibilidad.

Example: We are also exploring the possibility, with our sister organization in the US, of producing a joint issue possibly on the theme of how the so-called 'war on terror' is affecting library and information services.

» explore + ways and means of = buscar la manera de, buscar el modo de, estudiar el modo de, estudiar la manera de.

Example: The author challenges librarians to explore ways and means of extending library facilities to the disadvantaged -- physically handicapped, blind, and deaf and dumb.

» explore + to/ways in which = buscar la manera de, buscar el modo de, estudiar el modo de, estudiar la manera de.

Example: Ways are explored in which public library children's librarians can help sighted children increase their understanding of persons with visual impairment.

Explore synonyms

search in spanish: buscar, pronunciation: sɜrtʃ part of speech: noun research in spanish: investigación, pronunciation: risɜrtʃ part of speech: noun
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