Exploration in spanish


pronunciation: eksploʊɹ̩ɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

exploration = investigación, exploración, análisis. 

Example: This section goes no further than the exploration of ideas which are important for the appropriate support of software packages.


» geographical exploration = expedición geográfica, exploración geográfica.

Example: The author chronicles the Russian geographical explorations of the northwestern shores of North America which were financed and organized by Count Nikolai Rumiantsev from 1803 to 1825 = El autor narra las expediciones geográficas rusas de la costa del noroeste de Norteamérica que fueron financiadas y organizadas por el Conde Nikolai Rumiantsev de 1803 a 1825.

» planetary exploration = exploración planetaria.

Example: They maintained that the space station was not designed to be a way station to other worlds, a launching pad for planetary exploration, or a stepping stone to anywhere.

Exploration synonyms

geographic expedition in spanish: expedición geográfica, pronunciation: dʒiəgræfɪkekspədɪʃən part of speech: noun
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