Exploitation in spanish


pronunciation: eksploʊtɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

exploitation = explotación, utilización. 

Example: Thus, the subject approach is extremely important in the access to and the exploitation of information, documents and data.


» commercial exploitation = explotación comercial.

Example: The article 'Businesses are rushing onto the Net at warp speed' is devoted to the commercial exploitation of the Internet = El artículo "Las empresas están precipitándose hacia la red a velocidad estelar" se dedica a la explotación comercial de Internet.

» sexual exploitation = explotación sexual.

Example: She fell for a charming older guy only to discover her 'loverboy' had entrapped her in a dangerous world of sexual exploitation.

» under-exploitation [underexploitation] = infrautilización. 

Example: The problems of under-exploitation of stock could be solved by integrating at least part of the children's stock with the adult stock.

Exploitation synonyms

development in spanish: desarrollo, pronunciation: dɪveləpmənt part of speech: noun using in spanish: utilizando, pronunciation: juzɪŋ part of speech: noun victimization in spanish: persecución, pronunciation: vɪktəməzeɪʃən part of speech: noun victimisation in spanish: persecución, pronunciation: vɪktɪməzeɪʃən part of speech: noun
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