Exploit in spanish


pronunciation: eksploʊtɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

exploit1 = hazaña, proeza. 

Example: This book tells the exploits of a country carpenter who specializes in building privies.

exploit2 = explotar, aprovechar, utilizar, exprimir. 

Example: The Library of Congress List of Subject Headings (LCSH) can be exploited as a general index, since it shows LCC numbers for many of the headings listed.


» exploit + an appeal = aprovecharse del interés general por Algo.

Example: Towards the end of the century a few makers exploited the antiquarian appeal of laid hand-made paper by reviving the single-faced laid mould.

» exploit + opportunities = aprovechar oportunidades.

Example: A strategic approach to marketing increases the chance of exploiting opportunities and reduces the threats of an uncertain future.

» exploit + Posesivo + full potential = sacar el máximo partido, aprovechar al máximo.

Example: This, however, falls short of exploiting the full potential of the microcomputer to revolutionize the way in which business documents, memoranda, reports etc. are produced and disseminated.

» exploit + the benefits of = explotar los beneficios de, sacar partido de, sacar provecho de.

Example: The 'freezer model' for change in libraries has three phases -- freezing for stability, unfreezing to introduce change, and refreezing to achieve control of the change and exploit its benefits fully.

» exploit + the senses = explotar los sentidos.

Example: The whole media industry exploits the senses and entices the imagination with an unreal world.

» overexploit = sobreutilizar. 

Example: Most of the world's fisheries are already overexploited failing to meet increasing worldwide demand for seafood.

» under-exploit [underexploit] = infrautilizar, no aprovechar Algo lo suficiente. 

Example: Yet, many library collections efforts are still under-exploiting possibilities for cooperation.

Exploit synonyms

tap in spanish: grifo, pronunciation: tæp part of speech: noun, verb effort in spanish: esfuerzo, pronunciation: efɜrt part of speech: noun deed in spanish: escritura, pronunciation: did part of speech: noun feat in spanish: hazaña, pronunciation: fit part of speech: noun overwork in spanish: trabajo excesivo, pronunciation: oʊvɜrwɜrk part of speech: noun, verb
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