Explode in spanish


pronunciation: eksploʊtɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

explode1 = explotar, utilizar al máximo por medio del ordenador. 

Example: Other systems also employ a thesaurus in offering the facility to explode search profiles.


» explode + a myth = destruir un mito.

Example: The article 'Those (in)destructible disks: or, another myth exploded' describes the characteristics of the ubiquitous 360K 51/4-inch floppy disc.

» explode + definition = desarrollar una definición.

Example: This is why we quite often find that literary uses of language deliberately explode dictionary definitions, and by the particular way a particular author uses words, selects and orders them, they take on a highly personal color we call style.

» explode into + laughter = romper a reír.

Example: They both exploded into laughter, thereby releasing the pent-up tension.

» price + explode = precio + dispararse, precio + ponerse por las nubes.

Example: This rural backwater, ignored by every boom since the agricultural revolution, grabbed the headlines as property prices exploded.

» unexploded = sin detonar, sin explotar.

Example: Although national parks are perceived as pristine areas, many are dumping grounds for hazardous materials - everything from industrial toxins to unexploded munitions.

explode2 = incluir en la búsqueda los términos relacionados. 

Example: 'Tree' will show related terms linked by the tree structure; 'explode' will automatically expand the search term to include those terms in the same tree, using OR logic.


» explode command = orden de ampliar la búsqueda a los términos relacionados.

Example: These may however be searched indirectly by using the explode command, which then searches on all subordinate terms in the tree.

Explode synonyms

burst in spanish: ráfaga, pronunciation: bɜrst part of speech: verb, noun set off in spanish: partir, pronunciation: setɔf part of speech: verb detonate in spanish: detonar, pronunciation: detəneɪt part of speech: verb blow up in spanish: explotar, pronunciation: bloʊʌp part of speech: verb break loose in spanish: liberarse con fuerza, pronunciation: breɪklus part of speech: verb burst forth in spanish: brotar, pronunciation: bɜrstfɔrθ part of speech: verb

Explode antonyms

implode pronunciation: ɪmploʊd part of speech: verb go off pronunciation: goʊɔf part of speech: verb
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