Explicit in spanish


pronunciation: ekspliθitoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

explicit1 = explícito. 

Example: Subject field to be covered must be determined by making explicit statements concerning the limits of topic coverage, and the depth in which various aspects of the subject are to be treated.


» explicit knowledge = conocimiento explícito.

Example: Its central concept is that knowledge resides within people and it draws a distinction between explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge.

» explicit wish = deseo explícito.

Example: There was no attempt to deceive here, rather it was Jack's explicit wish that the stories be edited for publication.

» make + an explicit statement = especificar, dejar claro.

Example: Subject field to be covered must be determined by making explicit statements concerning the limits of topic coverage, and the depth in which various aspects of the subject are to be treated.

» make + explicit = hacer explícito, dejar claro, aclarar.

Example: The author stresses the need to distinguish between fact and opinion and to make explicit all sorts of assumptions and vaguenesses that tend to cloud the view.

» sexually-explicit = explícitamente sexual.

Example: The article 'Pornography, publishing, and preservation: a womanist view' relates problems libraries have encountered when making pornographic or sexually-explicit materials available to users.

» spell out in + explicit detail = detallar explícitamente, especificar explícitamente.

Example: Even though child support and alimony payments are spelled out in explicit detail as part of divorce settlement agreements, most divorced women and children don't receive the money they are owed.

explicit2 = explicit. [Palabra latina que significa 'termina' y designa las últimas palabras del texto propiamente dicho de un manuscrito o impreso antiguo]

Example: An explicit is a statement at the end of the text of a manuscript or early printed book, or at the end of one of its divisions, indicating its conclusion and sometimes giving the author's name and the title of the work.

Explicit synonyms

express in spanish: exprimir, pronunciation: ɪkspres part of speech: verb, noun literal in spanish: literal, pronunciation: lɪtɜrəl part of speech: adjective definitive in spanish: definitivo, pronunciation: dɪfɪnɪtɪv part of speech: adjective unequivocal in spanish: inequívoco, pronunciation: ənɪkwɪvəkəl part of speech: adjective graphic in spanish: gráfico, pronunciation: græfɪk part of speech: adjective stated in spanish: fijado, pronunciation: steɪtəd part of speech: adjective expressed in spanish: expresado, pronunciation: ɪksprest part of speech: adjective declared in spanish: declarado, pronunciation: dɪklerd part of speech: adjective denotative in spanish: denotativo, pronunciation: dɪnoʊtətɪv part of speech: adjective

Explicit antonyms

implicit pronunciation: ɪmplɪsət part of speech: adjective inexplicit pronunciation: ɪnɪksplɪsɪt part of speech: adjective
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