Explanation in spanish


pronunciation: eksplikɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

explanation = explicación. 

Example: Explanatory references may be either 'see' or 'see also' references, which give a little more explanation than merely the direction to look elsewhere.


» beggar + explanation = ser muy difícil de explicar, ser de difícil explicación, ser inexplicable.

Example: Those are the drivers who do things that beggar explanation or, at least, require an explanation that defies all logic.

» defy + explanation = ser muy difícil de explicar, ser de difícil explicación, ser inexplicable.

Example: It is an act of cruelty that seems to defy explanation.

» have + no explanation for = no tener explicación de/para, no explicarse.

Example: The engineer driving the train that derailed Tuesday night has no recollection of the crash itself and 'no explanation' for what happened.

» present + an explanation = ofrecer una explicación, dar una explicación.

Example: An explanation is presented of the methodology used in incorporating all facets of the treaties cited, such as date of signature, date of entry into force and signatory countries.

» visual explanation = demostración.

Example: Perhaps the most famous and certainly one of the oldest visual explanations in mathematics is the visual proof of the Pythagorean theorem.

» without (any) explanation = sin explicaciones, sin ninguna explicación, sin explicación alguna.

Example: No one was safe in Paris, on a cold evening the terrorists killed without warning, without mercy, and without explanation.

Explanation synonyms

account in spanish: cuenta, pronunciation: əkaʊnt part of speech: noun
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