Expert in spanish


pronunciation: ekspeɹ̩toʊ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

expert1 = experto. 

Example: Standard reference works and experts may be consulted.


» beer expert = experto en cerveza, entendido en cerveza.

Example: At the final, eight beers from across the country will be tasted, and judged by beer experts.

» bomb disposal expert = artificiero, experto en desactivar bombas, especialista en desactivar bombas.

Example: Bomb disposal experts from military and police forces are needed infrequently and not on a daily basis.

» computer expert = experto en informática.

Example: Librarians worked with geneticist, computer experts, social scientists and many others to develop this database.

» detonation expert = experto en desactivación de bombas, experto en desactivación de explosivos.

Example: The services is made up of three avalanche rescue dogs, five policemen, and two detonation experts.

» diet expert = dietista, experto en dietética.

Example: I have listened to diet experts, well-meaning friends and family, and many 'other voices' while disregarding the voice within -- my body speaking wisdom to me.

» expert meeting [experts' meeting] = reunión de expertos.

Example: The experts' meeting agreed that there be an immediate fact-finding mission under UNESCO coordination to assess the extent of damage and loss to cultural property in Iraq.

» expert panel = panel de expertos.

Example: An expert panel will review the evaluation.

» explosive expert = experto en explosivos.

Example: Explosives experts say that to make a bomb from ammonium nitrate fertiliser is relatively straightforward.

» financial expert = experto en finanzas, experto financiero.

Example: Many financial experts suggest that you take 10% of your income, and put it aside for your long-term savings.

» group of experts = grupo de expertos.

Example: The existing committee will be dissolved and replaced by groups of experts to solve urgent short-term problems.

» JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) = JPEG (Grupo Conjunto de Expertos en Fotografía). [En informática, modo de codificación y compresión de imágenes en ficheros]

Example: This article describes the 2 key standards for image compression: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) and MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group).

» judo expert = judoka.

Example: A judo expert came to a school to teach the children some judo holds.

» leading expert = experto.

Example: Each session will be chaired by a leading expert on the topic.

» legal expert = experto jurídico.

Example: The documentation centre was assigned the task of organising a public service of legal information for legal experts.

» library expert = experto bibliotecario.

Example: A literature review was followed by a questionnaire survey sent to selected library experts.

» medical expert = experto en medicina.

Example: An online encyclopedia of medical images each accompanied by detailed and informative text ranging from allergy to cardiology to neurology to urology, with contributions from over 2000 medical experts.

» MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) = MPEG (Grupo de Expertos en Imágenes en Movimiento). [En informática, modo de codificación y compresión de imágenes en ficheros]

Example: This article describes the 2 key standards for image compression: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) and MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group).

» non-expert [nonexpert] = no experto, no especialista.

Example: You are about to hear an undistinguished non-expert speak prosaically about the library catalog as it currently is.

» safety expert = experto en seguridad.

Example: Safety experts prefer life jackets to floaties or water wings, but I believe kids shouldn't have to gear up like they're about to storm Normandy every time they take a dip.

» subject expert = experto en la materia.

Example: The person engaged as an abstractor may be anyone from the author of a work, an information officer, a specialist abstractor or a subject expert to a library assistant or clerk.

» technical expert = experto técnico.

Example: All too often, risk prevention is a domain which is left to technical experts, scientists and possibly politicians.

» text mark-up expert = experto en la confección de documentos web.

Example: The workshop brought together librarians, digital library researchers, content providers, and text-markup experts to improve discovery standards for information resources.

» wine expert = experto en vinos, entendido en vinos.

Example: Oenologist is the learned word for a wine expert.

expert2 = experto. [Adjetivo]

Example: A situation involving the dangerous or apparently dangerous person (perhaps someone reportedly carrying a gun or knife) requires the librarian to summon expert help.


» expert knowledge = conocimiento experto, conocimiento específico.

Example: Most of the anomalies that are discovered are only detectable with the use of expert knowledge.

» expert system = sistema experto.

Example: For the present this definition will have to stand as a statement covering programmes in which terms like 'expert systems', 'artificial intelligence', 'computer systems' abound.

» expert-type = parecido a un sistema experto.

Example: The author describes a microcomputer-based reference expert-type system.

» expert witness = experto, perito.

Example: Appearing as an expert witness the librarian proved that, between 1943-55, a librarian following standard library practices of the time could have identified and located literature on the subject of the health effects of exposure to asbestos and the means of controlling dust in the mining and milling of asbestos.

Expert synonyms

good in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective adept in spanish: adepto, pronunciation: ədept part of speech: adjective, noun professional in spanish: profesional, pronunciation: prəfeʃənəl part of speech: adjective proficient in spanish: competente, pronunciation: prɑfɪʃənt part of speech: adjective skillful in spanish: hábil, pronunciation: skɪlfəl part of speech: adjective skilful in spanish: hábil, pronunciation: skɪlfəl part of speech: adjective skilled in spanish: experto, pronunciation: skɪld part of speech: adjective practiced in spanish: experto, pronunciation: præktəst part of speech: adjective
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