Experiment in spanish


pronunciation: ekspeɹ̩imentɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

experiment1 = experimento. 

Example: Experiments in improved document delivery systems, and the establishment of networks between libraries are under way.


» agricultural experiment station = estación experimental agrícola.

Example: State agricultural experiment station publications are a valuable resource for agricultural historians and sociologists, as well as for scientists, students, the agribusiness community, farmers, and the general public.

» conduct + an experiment = realizar un experimento.

Example: The Library of Congress has been conducting experiments since 1979 with the library applications of optical storage media.

» institute + experiments = experimentar, hacer experimentos.

Example: In an open-planned building designed flexibly to cater for adaptations, the librarian is not inhibited for making changes or instituting experiments.

» thought experiment = experimento mental.

Example: Let us perform a simple thought experiment: assume that a cataloger has committed a simple transposition error and transcribed YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER as YEATS, WILLIAM BULTER.

experiment2 = experimentar. 

Example: We need not abandon our professional library studies programs, but we must also be willing to experiment with future oriented programs and structures at the same time.

Experiment synonyms

experimentation in spanish: experimentación, pronunciation: ɪksperəmənteɪʃən part of speech: noun
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