Experienced in spanish


pronunciation: ekspeɹ̩imentɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

experience2 = experimentar, padecer, sufrir, ser objeto de. 

Example: If facilities like these are not supported by the data base design, the users of the system will experience slow response times.


» experience + a change = sufrir un cambio.

Example: A large proportion of employees reported little change in factors likely to affect prestige and self-esteem and most had not experienced adverse social changes.

» experience + a disaster = sufrir una catástrofe.

Example: This article emphasises the importance of a preservation plan that includes ways of dealing with every conceivable type of disaster a library might experience.

» experience + a drop = experimentar un descenso.

Example: The library has experienced a drop in the number of persons visiting it but a sharp rise in the number of volumes lent on interlibrary loan.

» experience + a glitch = tener un problema técnico.

Example: Since the service is still in its infancy, we know that it will show some quirks and we'll experience a glitch here and there.

» experience + an explosion = experimentar un aumento vertiginoso.

Example: Contemporary society has experienced an extraordinary explosion in knowledge which has resulted in a corresponding increase in the publication of books and other materials which act as information carriers.

» experience + a problem = enfrentarse a un problema, tener un problema.

Example: While it is useful to know the areas in which problems might be experienced by a community, it is vital that each disadvantaged community be assessed individually.

» experience + a renaissance = renacer, experimentar un renacimiento, resurgir.

Example: In the last few years contrastive linguistics has experienced a renaissance.

» experience + a rise = experimentar una subida, experimentar un aumento.

Example: This article discusses the serious implications of published research on price comparisons, especially when periodical prices are experiencing a meteoric rise.

» experience + a sense of = sentir una sensación de.

Example: The sense of camaraderie experienced in meeting with other devotees is not unworthy of some kind of celebration.

» experience + a shiver = sentir un escalofrío.

Example: The personnel officer experienced an involuntary shiver as the lancinating reality of the board's decision sank in.

» experience + cutbacks = padecer recortes.

Example: In the present climate of economic retrenchment some media centers may be experiencing staff cutbacks.

» experience + difficulties = tener dificultades.

Example: Initially, the library staff experienced difficulties in adjusting to the new service.

» experience + difficult times = pasar dificultades, pasarlo mal.

Example: Consumer publishing is experiencing difficult times and there are specific developments which are influencing the market for children's books.

» experience + dissatisfaction with = sentirse descontento con.

Example: Librarians are experiencing dissatisfaction with the restricted opportunities available to them to find expression for, and recognition of, their skills in the present climate of change.

» experience + first-hand = experimentar de primera mano, padecer en + Posesivo + carnes, sufrir en + Posesivo + carnes.

Example: As students, we experience first-hand how drastic budget cuts directly affect the quality of public education.

» experience + growth = experimentar un crecimiento.

Example: Biotechnology has experienced rapid growth in recent years.

» experience + problems and successes = obtener éxitos y fracasos.

Example: This article describes the problems and successes experienced by the Central Library of the Miskolc Technical University for Heavy Industry, Hungary, in extending their sources of acquisitions.

» experience + stress = padecer tensión.

Example: Overall, the library media specialists experienced stress in the mild to moderate range.

» experience + trouble with = tener problema con Algo.

Example: Often a 'help' command calls up information pertaining either to the general use of the system, or to the specific feature in the system with which the user is experiencing trouble.

experienced = experimentado, con experiencia, experto. 

Example: Thus, complex and irrational arrangements can be tolerated, since only relatively experienced staff need to be able to locate items.


» be very experienced = tener mucha experiencia.

Example: She is English, highly skilled and very experienced, so much so that we decided to take her on board as a full-time employee.

» experienced, the = expertos, los.

Example: It will be readily accessible to all types of users, novices as well as the experienced.

» inexperienced = inexperto, con poca experiencia.

Example: The cards in the index are liable to become disorganized if inexperienced information seekers tamper with the index.

Experienced synonyms

intimate in spanish: íntimo, pronunciation: ɪntəmət part of speech: adjective old in spanish: antiguo, pronunciation: oʊld part of speech: adjective initiate in spanish: iniciado, pronunciation: ɪnɪʃieɪt part of speech: verb knowledgeable in spanish: experto, pronunciation: nɑlədʒəbəl part of speech: adjective seasoned in spanish: sazonado, pronunciation: sizənd part of speech: adjective initiated in spanish: iniciado, pronunciation: ɪnɪʃieɪtəd part of speech: verb full-fledged in spanish: de pleno derecho, pronunciation: fʊlfledʒd part of speech: adjective older in spanish: más viejo, pronunciation: oʊldɜr part of speech: adjective practiced in spanish: experto, pronunciation: præktəst part of speech: adjective practised in spanish: experto, pronunciation: præktɪst part of speech: adjective fully fledged in spanish: de pleno derecho, pronunciation: fʊlifledʒd part of speech: adjective

Experienced antonyms

inexperienced pronunciation: ɪnɪkspɪriənst part of speech: adjective
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