Experience in spanish


pronunciation: ekspeɹ̩ienθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

experience1 = experiencia, vivencia. 

Example: Any reliance on principles alone is rejected, and an attempt is made to codify experience.


» a lifetime of experience = toda una vida de experiencia.

Example: The article is entitled 'A library instruction program for individuals with enquiring minds and a lifetime of experience'.

» ASTINFO (Regional Network for the Exchange of Information and Experience in Science and Technology in Asia and the Pacific) = ASTINFO (Red Regional para el Intercambio de Información y Experiencias de la Ciencia y Tecnología en Asia y el Pacífico).

Example: The overall approach should be in line with the philosophy of ASTINFO (Regional Network for the Exchange of Information and Experience in Science and Technology in Asia and the Pacific).

» a wealth of experience = una gran experiencia, un caudal de experiencia.

Example: He has a wealth of experience of the complex public policy issues surrounding seaports, privatisations and labour reform.

» awful experience = mala experiencia, mal trago.

Example: These awful experiences caused some women to take up arms and joined various faction groups.

» bitter experience = experiencia amarga.

Example: It indicates the changes and limitations which fill the other pan of the scales and which are frequently only discovered by bitter experience.

» broaden + Posesivo + experience = ampliar la experiencia.

Example: The scheme also offers participants the opportunity of broadening their professional experience.

» career experience = experiencia profesional.

Example: The program's purpose is to enable U.S. librarians and publishers to enrich and broaden their career experience through a short period of overseas service.

» circle of experience = ámbito de experiencia.

Example: Are you saying that books and courses that encourage wholesome questioning and explore wider circles of experience have nothing of value to say to us?.

» deepen + Posesivo + experience = aumentar la experiencia.

Example: Librarians involved with children's books must constantly deepen their experience of them.

» draw on/upon + experience of = servirse de la experiencia de.

Example: This outline manual draws on the experience gained in work so far carried out and attempts to answer some of the questions raised by those involved in this emerging process.

» exchange + experience = intercambiar experiencias.

Example: The symposium was designed to exchange experience and to examine information services problem areas specific to small countries.

» exchange of experience = intercambio de experiencias.

Example: This user group was created for the exchange of experience, sharing of problems and discussion on data bases and equipment.

» experience is the best teacher = no hay nada como la experiencia, más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo.

Example: Experience is the best teacher and none can deny it.

» experience of a lifetime = experiencia maravillosa, experiencia única, experiencia irrepetible, experiencia inolvidable, experiencia incomparable.

Example: When everyone looks back on it they always seem to say that studying abroad is the experience of a lifetime.

» experience of life = experiencia de la vida.

Example: In this mood we select books that connect with the way we are now, with the experiences of life we are presently encountering = En este estado de ánimo escogemos libros relacionados con nuestra forma de ser ahora, con las experiencias de la vida que estamos teniendo en la actualidad.

» experience + show = experiencia + demostrar.

Example: Experience has shown that the vastness of this as yet unordered field holds many pitfalls for the unwary librarian and researcher.

» experience + teach = experiencia + enseñar.

Example: Anyway, experience had taught him that a subordinate who attempts to subdue a superordinate is almost always lost; the superordinate has too many advantages in such a contest.

» extend + Posesivo + experience = ampliar la experiencia.

Example: Literature can also extend the students' experience, broaden their perspective and expand their knowledge and understanding.

» field experience = experiencia práctica.

Example: From evaluation of findings, practical field experience is singled out as the most important prerequisite for effective university training in agricultural extension.

» first-hand experience = experiencia de primera mano.

Example: The author offers first-hand experience in setting up and developing public access CD-ROM service.

» flux of experience = experiencia cotidiana.

Example: The author will be offering, no matter how provisionally, a way of ordering the flux of experience.

» gain + experience = adquirir experiencia, foguearse.

Example: As the library gains experience with its vendors, these claim categories should be updated and the vendor records changed to reflect the delivery lags.

» garner + experience = recoger experiencia, acumular experiencia.

Example: Experience garnered in this context suggests that the user/system interface requires careful management.

» hands on experience = experiencia práctica.

Example: A wholly estimable rush of enthusiasm on the part of IT staff could devour all available spare resources overnight if severely rationed 'hands on' experience time was exceeded.

» have + a first-hand experience = experimentar de primera mano, padecer en + Posesivo + carnes, sufrir en + Posesivo + carnes.

Example: Having been raised in East Africa, I have a first-hand experience of gender inequalities and the plight of poor young women in Africa.

» have + experience = tener experiencia.

Example: I have had no experience whatsoever with academic collections = No he tenido experiencia de ningún tipo con las colecciones académicas.

» humbling experience = lección de humildad.

Example: I wasn't prepared for the humbling experience of learning how far my expectations were from reality and how much I needed to learn.

» inexperience = sin experiencia.

Example: Their effective operation is not immediately obvious to the uninitiated and the cards in the index are liable to become disorganized if inexperienced information seekers tamper with the index.

» in + Posesivo + experience = en + Posesivo + experiencia, según + Posesivo + experiencia.

Example: In my experience it is always best to reward good behaviour and ignore bad behaviour as much as possible.

» job experience = experiencia laboral.

Example: Nursing is a fantastic field for those who are entry-level, or have no prior job experience.

» know (by/from) + experience = conocer por experiencia.

Example: People who have used cases in teaching know from experience that some person or persons will give an entirely new interpretation to case data and so will give a case a new twist.

» learn from + experience = aprender de la experiencia.

Example: The reason I didn't bring this up in my paper is that I've learned from bitter experience that it's well to be radical about one thing at a time.

» learning experience = oportunidad de aprendizaje, experiencia enriquecedora.

Example: School library media professionals who mediate in the learning experiences of students must be well informed critical thinkers.

» liberating experience = experiencia liberadora.

Example: I don't think that is a very liberating experience, especially a terminal that's hooked to a large computer that almost no one understands, no one but a very few people.

» library experience = experiencia en bibliotecas. [Experiencia de haber trabajado en bibliotecas]

Example: Undergraduate grade point average, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, ethnicity, gender and library experience were variables which tended to predict GSLIS grade point average and completion of the programme.

» life experience = vivencia, experiencia personal, experiencia vivida, experiencia vital.

Example: I have formed a deep impression about the relationship between libraries and economic development from my own life experience.

» listen to + the voice of experience = escuchar la voz de la experiencia.

Example: I've been living with it for nearly six years, so listen to the voice of experience -- the green will creep into your life and you will eventually hate it.

» living experience = experiencia personal, experiencia vivida, experiencia vital.

Example: One of the great glories of books is that there are plenty to suit everybody, no matter what our taste, our mood, our intellectual ability, age, living experience.

» memorable experience = experiencia inolvidable.

Example: High school and college are where some of the most memorable experiences take place.

» must-experience = algo que hay que experimentar.

Example: Home to a large trail network for all levels, Stowe is a must-experience destination for biking enthusiasts.

» mystic experience = experiencia mística.

Example: Mystic experience is especially associated with members of the cloistered monastic orders and with anchorites or anchoresses.

» near-death experience = experiencia cercana a la muerte.

Example: A fisherman ordered to remain at sea by his employer as a cyclone battered Bangladesh has spoken of his near-death experience.

» once in a lifetime experience = una experiencia única en la vida.

Example: You definitely don't want to miss out on a once in a lifetime whale watching experience.

» personal experience = experiencia personal.

Example: He is moving on from the past and looking forward to a tremendous future helping to educate parents from his personal experiences.

» political experience = experiencia política.

Example: She hates being described as a war-horse next to Kelly the filly, but she has had 20 more years of political experience.

» practical experience = experiencia práctica.

Example: The practical experience of any librarian at an information desk will confirm this over and over again.

» professional experience = experiencia profesional.

Example: Data on doctoral graduates are discussed in terms of socioeconomic factors, educational background, position held, prior professional experience, salaries, professional membership, and publications.

» recount + experience = contar la experiencia.

Example: This article recounts the experience of a director of public libraries in the USA who took a year off from work.

» relate + experience = contar una experiencia.

Example: The article 'Towards the cyber-library?' relates the experience of Hertfordshire libraries in the provision of electronic public information and library services.

» share + Posesivo + experience = compartir experiencias, intercambiar experiencias.

Example: These press releases are useful as they can indicate which other authorities are working on the same lines so that contact can be made and experience and ideas shared.

» shattering experience = experiencia devastadora, experiencia demoledora, experiencia terrible.

Example: Your kids need to be able to turn to you for whatever stability you can provide after these shattering experiences.

» teaching experience = experiencia docente.

Example: Librarians with teaching experience are also better able to enforce discipline.

» there's no substitute for experience = no hay nada como la experiencia, más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo.

Example: The old axiom 'there's no substitute for experience' still rings true.

» the voice of experience = la voz de la experiencia.

Example: People make better personal finance decisions as they get older, since 'the voice of experience' is critical to smart money decisions.

» traumatic experience = experiencia traumática.

Example: Visual imagery associated with past traumatic experience is a fundamental part of oral narratives.

» undergo + experience = sufrir una experiencia.

Example: Reading literature allows us to experience all kinds of human possibilities, from murder to childbirth, without suffering the consequences of undergoing the experiences in real life.

» unforgettable experience = experiencia inolvidable.

Example: When asked to recall our most unforgettable experiences, we often bring up something that marked a turning point in our life.

» work experience = experiencia laboral.

Example: This article presents information on number and type of employees, education, work experience and reporting levels.

experience2 = experimentar, padecer, sufrir, ser objeto de. 

Example: If facilities like these are not supported by the data base design, the users of the system will experience slow response times.


» experience + a change = sufrir un cambio.

Example: A large proportion of employees reported little change in factors likely to affect prestige and self-esteem and most had not experienced adverse social changes.

» experience + a disaster = sufrir una catástrofe.

Example: This article emphasises the importance of a preservation plan that includes ways of dealing with every conceivable type of disaster a library might experience.

» experience + a drop = experimentar un descenso.

Example: The library has experienced a drop in the number of persons visiting it but a sharp rise in the number of volumes lent on interlibrary loan.

» experience + a glitch = tener un problema técnico.

Example: Since the service is still in its infancy, we know that it will show some quirks and we'll experience a glitch here and there.

» experience + an explosion = experimentar un aumento vertiginoso.

Example: Contemporary society has experienced an extraordinary explosion in knowledge which has resulted in a corresponding increase in the publication of books and other materials which act as information carriers.

» experience + a problem = enfrentarse a un problema, tener un problema.

Example: While it is useful to know the areas in which problems might be experienced by a community, it is vital that each disadvantaged community be assessed individually.

» experience + a renaissance = renacer, experimentar un renacimiento, resurgir.

Example: In the last few years contrastive linguistics has experienced a renaissance.

» experience + a rise = experimentar una subida, experimentar un aumento.

Example: This article discusses the serious implications of published research on price comparisons, especially when periodical prices are experiencing a meteoric rise.

» experience + a sense of = sentir una sensación de.

Example: The sense of camaraderie experienced in meeting with other devotees is not unworthy of some kind of celebration.

» experience + a shiver = sentir un escalofrío.

Example: The personnel officer experienced an involuntary shiver as the lancinating reality of the board's decision sank in.

» experience + cutbacks = padecer recortes.

Example: In the present climate of economic retrenchment some media centers may be experiencing staff cutbacks.

» experience + difficulties = tener dificultades.

Example: Initially, the library staff experienced difficulties in adjusting to the new service.

» experience + difficult times = pasar dificultades, pasarlo mal.

Example: Consumer publishing is experiencing difficult times and there are specific developments which are influencing the market for children's books.

» experience + dissatisfaction with = sentirse descontento con.

Example: Librarians are experiencing dissatisfaction with the restricted opportunities available to them to find expression for, and recognition of, their skills in the present climate of change.

» experience + first-hand = experimentar de primera mano, padecer en + Posesivo + carnes, sufrir en + Posesivo + carnes.

Example: As students, we experience first-hand how drastic budget cuts directly affect the quality of public education.

» experience + growth = experimentar un crecimiento.

Example: Biotechnology has experienced rapid growth in recent years.

» experience + problems and successes = obtener éxitos y fracasos.

Example: This article describes the problems and successes experienced by the Central Library of the Miskolc Technical University for Heavy Industry, Hungary, in extending their sources of acquisitions.

» experience + stress = padecer tensión.

Example: Overall, the library media specialists experienced stress in the mild to moderate range.

» experience + trouble with = tener problema con Algo.

Example: Often a 'help' command calls up information pertaining either to the general use of the system, or to the specific feature in the system with which the user is experiencing trouble.

Experience synonyms

get in spanish: obtener, pronunciation: get part of speech: verb have in spanish: tener, pronunciation: hæv part of speech: verb know in spanish: saber, pronunciation: noʊ part of speech: verb live in spanish: vivir, pronunciation: laɪv part of speech: verb feel in spanish: sensación, pronunciation: fil part of speech: verb receive in spanish: recibir, pronunciation: rəsiv part of speech: verb undergo in spanish: someterse, pronunciation: əndɜrgoʊ part of speech: verb go through in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: goʊθru part of speech: verb

Experience antonyms

inexperience pronunciation: ɪnɪkspɪriəns part of speech: noun
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