Expense in spanish


pronunciation: gɑstoʊs part of speech: noun
In gestures

expense = gasto, dispendio, desembolso. 

Example: At an earlier stage, the Library of Congress had decided to retain certain pre-AACR headings, in order to avoid the expense of extensive recataloguing.


» add to + the expense of = contribuir a encarecer.

Example: The emphasis on arrangement and effective access to the information are two of the factors that add to the expense of these works along with the inflationary spiral also evident in the cost of living.

» at (a) great expense = a un gran coste, a costa de mucho.

Example: He had lions, elephants, and other wild animals brought from Asia and Africa at a great expense.

» at a reduced expense = con unos gastos menores.

Example: Electronic resource sharing is a way for academic libraries to offer electronic databases at a reduced expense.

» at company expense = a cuenta de la empresa, pagado por la empresa.

Example: It is not unusual also for the staff to take courses (at company expense and often on company time) that will keep them alert and mentally alive.

» at each other's expense = los unos a costa de los otros.

Example: This article looks at 'fairness' in the book trade today, and some of the tawdry tricks indulged in by publishers, agents and authors at each other's expense.

» at minimal expense = con un gasto mínimo.

Example: The author identifies some of the disadvantaged people in Zimbabwe and suggests ways in which their needs may be met at minimal expense.

» at + Nombre's + expense = a expensas de, a costa de.

Example: It is true that the newspapers sensationalized some of the Community's absurdities and gave prominence to the unpopular practice of disposing of surplus food at taxpayers' expense.

» at other people's expense = a cuenta de otros, a costa de otros, a expensas de otros.

Example: Serial swindler Kenneth Broad was this afternoon jailed for 15 months bringing to an end a playboy lifestyle lived at other people's expense.

» at + Posesivo + own expense = por + Posesivo + cuenta, por + Posesivo + propia cuenta, corriendo con los gastos, pagando de + Posesivo + bolsillo, a cuenta propia, por cuenta propia, de + Posesivo + propio bolsillo.

Example: Mr Dong Ming embarked on an eight-day bicycle ride to Beijing at his own expense in order to attend the IFLA Conference.

» at + Posesivo + (own) expense = a + Posesivo + expensas, a + Posesivo + costa, a cuenta propia.

Example: They believe that the main use for government is for some people to lord it over others at their expense.

» at some expense = con cierto gasto.

Example: The University had already looked after the collection for 19 years at some expense and was fortunately able to meet the purchase price.

» at someone else's expense = a cuenta de otro, a costa de otro, a expensas de otro.

Example: The article is entitled 'How to promote the library at someone else's expense'.

» at the expense of = a expensas de, a costa de, a cuenta de.

Example: Uneven allocation will lead to some subjects having relatively short notation at the expense of others with relatively long notation.

» business expense = gasto de empresa.

Example: Courts ruled that tax rebates paid to oculists cannot be deducted as business expenses.

» claim + expenses = solicitar el reembolso de los gastos.

Example: If you want to claim expenses, you need to make sure you keep all your receipts.

» considerable expense = gasto considerable.

Example: The person seeking information needs to have all the necessary documentation before setting out, otherwise it could result in considerable expense and much time wasting.

» cover + expenses = cubrir gastos.

Example: She and her parents hadn't realized the federal aid wasn't enough to cover expenses.

» cut + expenses = recortar gastos.

Example: In plain English, it means we don't have enough students and expenses must be cut.

» defray + the expenses = correr con los gastos, hacer frente a los gastos, sufragar los gastos, costear los gastos, pagar los gastos.

Example: The donor specifically intends the funds to be spent by the grantee to defray the expenses of the student's studies.

» expense allowance = dieta para gastos de manutención.

Example: Volunteers may receive token reimbursements or expense allowances = Los voluntarios pueden recibir pagos simbólicos o dietas para gastos de manutención.

» expense(s) account = cuenta de gastos.

Example: He got the axe after getting entangled in an expense account scandal tied to sexual harassment allegations.

» foot + the expenses = pagar los gastos, correr con los gastos.

Example: Linda also had to foot the expenses for running a basement they used for rehearsals.

» go to + great expense to = gastarse un dineral en.

Example: Cleopatra, considered the most beautiful woman in the world during her day, went to great expense to obtain exclusive rights over the Dead Sea.

» incur + an expense = incurrir en gastos.

Example: Other forms of catalogue and index need to be copied, and, accordingly, expense is incurred.

» justifiable expense = gasto justificable.

Example: Both were justifiable expenses in his eyes, and he'd flay her alive if he learned she was squandering his money on fripperies.

» living expenses = coste de la vida.

Example: Do you think that the average wage is out of line with the increase in living expenses?.

» lodging expenses = gastos de alojamiento.

Example: Participants are responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses.

» meet + the expenses = hacer frente a los gastos, sufragar los gastos, correr con los gastos, pagar los castos, costear los gastos.

Example: Those that cannot meet legal expenses can receive help from one of three legal aid schemes introduced by the government: legal advice and assistance, legal aid in civil proceedings and legal aid in criminal proceedings.

» operating expenses = gastos de funcionamiento.

Example: OCLC reported fiscal 2001 as another successful year with gross revenues increasing 8 per cent to 165.3 million dollars and with net revenues reaching 159.8 million dollars with operating expenses 156.9 million dollars.

» pay + (the) expenses = pagar los gastos.

Example: I worked long enough to receive my annual bonus and laid it aside to pay expenses for our future baby.

» spare + no expense = tirar la casa por la ventana, no escatimar (en) gastos, no reparar en gastos, emplearse a fondo, no doler prendar.

Example: These stars have spared no expenses when it comes to buying extravagant gifts for their partners.

» travel expenses = gastos de desplazamiento, gastos de viaje.

Example: The category of travel expenses is one of the most commonly encountered type of business tax deduction.

» travelling expenses = gastos de viaje, gastos de desplazamiento.

Example: Board and lodging and travelling expenses for the recipients of vocational training were included.

» underwrite + the expenses = financiar los gastos, financiar los costes, hacer frente a los gastos, sufragar los costes, sufragar los gastos, correr con los gastos, pagar los gastos, costear los gastos.

Example: The bank completely underwrote the expenses and donated all the money raised from the event to charities.

Expense synonyms

disbursement in spanish: desembolso, pronunciation: dɪsbɜrsmənt part of speech: noun disbursal in spanish: desembolso, pronunciation: dɪsbɜrsəl part of speech: noun
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