Expenditure in spanish


pronunciation: gɑstoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

expenditure = gastos. 

Example: Acquisition involves maintaining records of materials on order, and financial data concerning expenditure, as well as details about suppliers.


» book expenditure = gastos de libros.

Example: Only one of the 12 variables, book expenditures for adult services, showed a statistically significant difference in the relationships among the age-level services.

» calorific expenditure = gasto de calorías.

Example: This gives calorific expenditure ranges during the working week of between 3000 to 4500 calories/day (men) and 2750 to 3500 (women).

» capital expenditure = inversión de capital, gastos de capital.

Example: When considered as capital expenditure, the true costs of book purchases are substantially greater than librarians have commonly imagined.

» cut + expenditure = recortar gastos.

Example: Consequently, it came as no surprise when the new Conservative Government was elected in 1979 on a ticket to cut public expenditure and stop feather-bedding consumers.

» expenditure cuts = recortes económicos.

Example: Recent public expenditure cuts have meant that many academic libraries are having to take an even more rigorous approach to their journals collection.

» expenditure of effort = dedicación de esfuerzo.

Example: Mearns, too, has warned against 'profligate expenditure of time and effort when the reference librarian's own curiosity is fired to a point where he feels himself impelled to seek personal satisfaction'.

» expenditure of manpower = dedicación de mano de obra.

Example: Retrospective catalogue conversion has to conform to certain standards in order to make the data gained with great effort and expenditure of money and manpower useful to other libraries.

» expenditure of money = gasto de dinero.

Example: Retrospective catalogue conversion has to conform to certain standards in order to make the data gained with great effort and expenditure of money and manpower useful to other libraries.

» expenditure of time = dedicación de tiempo.

Example: Mearns, too, has warned against 'profligate expenditure of time and effort when the reference librarian's own curiosity is fired to a point where he feels himself impelled to seek personal satisfaction'.

» freeze + the expenditure = congelar los gastos. [Verbo irregular: pasado froze, participio frozen]

Example: During the last 10 years the service level in the City has fallen and music has stagnated, since the local council library committee froze all expenditure on music in 1984.

» government expenditure = gasto público.

Example: Seen like this, the importance of government expenditure to the economy is very clear.

» military expenditure = gasto militar.

Example: The extra aid required is estimated to amount to less than 1% of the industrialized world's current military expenditure.

» operating expenditure = gastos de funcionamiento.

Example: The data that will be collected include holdings, staff, operating expenditures, population, age distribution, and income.

» out-of-pocket expenditure = gastos del propio bolsillo. [Generalmente, gastos que incurre un persona en tratamiento sanitario fuera de su seguro médico]

Example: The average out-of-pocket expenditure for a mammogram in 2007 or 2008 was $33, representing 14.1% of the total mammogram expenditure ($266).

» overexpenditure = gasto excesivo. 

Example: The project was significantly delayed and incurred an overexpenditure several times the original budget.

» public expenditure = gasto público.

Example: Consequently, it came as no surprise when the new Conservative Government was elected in 1979 on a ticket to cut public expenditure and stop feather-bedding consumers.

» recurrent expenditure = gastos de funcionamiento.

Example: Findings revealed the current almost total dependence on donor assistance for both capital and recurrent expenditure.

» undertake + an expenditure = incurrir en gastos, realizar un gasto.

Example: Both factions realize that new expenditures must not be undertaken if they mean increasing taxes.

Expenditure synonyms

consumption in spanish: consumo, pronunciation: kənsʌmpʃən part of speech: noun outlay in spanish: desembolso, pronunciation: aʊtleɪ part of speech: noun outgo in spanish: gastos, pronunciation: aʊtgoʊ part of speech: noun expending in spanish: gastando, pronunciation: ekspendɪŋ part of speech: noun using up in spanish: usando utilizando, pronunciation: juzɪŋʌp part of speech: noun

Expenditure antonyms

income pronunciation: ɪnkəm part of speech: noun
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