Expectation in spanish


pronunciation: ekspektɑtibɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

expectation = expectativa, expectación. 

Example: This may be an unrealistic expectation.


» await with + eager expectation = esperar como agua de mayo.

Example: We await with eager expectation the arrival of the book in printed form with high hopes that it will find its place in the world.

» beyond (all) expectation = más allá de las expectativas, más allá de toda expectativa.

Example: This is the final curtain call for a program that took the entire nation by storm and succeeded beyond expectations.

» career expectations = expectativas profesionales.

Example: Additional questions sought to determine the career expectations of these students.

» come up to + expectations = cumplir las expectativas.

Example: This article contains a discussion of the role that library schools can play in training students to come up to the expectations of the staff of libraries.

» create + expectation = levantar la expectación, generar expectación, crear expectación.

Example: When someone plans for the short or long-term future, he is creating some kind of expectations.

» exceed + Posesivo + expectations = superar las expectativas, exceder las expectativas, desbordar las expectativas.

Example: As we have seen, authorship and publishing are extremely chancy occupations and, whilst it is very common for books to fall below expectations in both sales and critical acclaim, it is also not uncommon for books to exceed their expectations and this can happen with general books in the middle range.

» fall below + Posesivo + expectations = no estar a la altura de las expectativas, no estar a la altura de lo que se espera.

Example: As we have seen, authorship and publishing are extremely chancy occupations and, whilst it is very common for books to fall below expectations in both sales and critical acclaim, it is also not uncommon for books to exceed their expectations and this can happen with general books in the middle range.

» fall + short of + Posesivo + expectations = no cumplir las expectativas, no cumplir lo esperado.

Example: The quality and quantity of interactive multimedia in institutions of higher education has fallen short of expectations.

» have + expectations = tener expectativas.

Example: The project investigated how library users are using the OPAC, their degree of success and failure and what expectations they have of computer terminals.

» hold + expectations = tener expectativas.

Example: The main question investigated is whether there are differences in the expectations that academics hold of information services provided by academic libraries.

» in hopeful expectation = con esperanza, esperanzadoramente.

Example: His name has become synonymous with someone who lives in hopeful expectation.

» in hopeful expectation that = esperando que, con la expectativa de que.

Example: Finally six men agreed to go forth in their underclothes and nooses around their necks in hopeful expectation that their sacrifice would satisfy the king's bloodlust and he would spare the rest of the citizens.

» job expectations = expectativas laborales.

Example: Over half the respondents were vague on job expectations.

» live up to + Posesivo + expectations = estar a la altura de lo que se espera, estar a la altura de las expectativas.

Example: If I make the assumption that they're top notch, I'll transmit that confidence to them and they'll live up to my expectations.

» low expectation = pocas expectativas.

Example: The author examines the reasons for the low profile of libraries and the low expectation of the community of its library service.

» meet + an expectation = satisfacer una expectativa.

Example: The objection that is always raised against our subject access reflecting a multiplicity of points of view is that the reader's expectations concerning access will often not be met.

» raise + expectations = dar esperanzas.

Example: Virtually no publicity was given to the service, since the library administration did not want to raise expectations, as they were unsure whether it was going to be possible to continue the service, due to budgetary restrictions at the time.

» there + be + an air of expectation = haber un aire de expectación, respirarse un aire de expectación.

Example: There was an air of excitement and expectation from the many spectators who followed the cavalcade of vehicles.

Expectation synonyms

outlook in spanish: panorama, pronunciation: aʊtlʊk part of speech: noun prospect in spanish: perspectiva, pronunciation: prɑspekt part of speech: noun anticipation in spanish: anticipación, pronunciation: æntɪsəpeɪʃən part of speech: noun arithmetic mean in spanish: significado aritmetico, pronunciation: erɪθmetɪkmin part of speech: noun expected value in spanish: valor esperado, pronunciation: ɪkspektədvælju part of speech: noun first moment in spanish: primer momento, pronunciation: fɜrstmoʊmənt part of speech: noun
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