Expectancy in spanish


pronunciation: ekspektɑtibɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

expectancy = expectación, expectativa. 

Example: The need to assess therapy credibility and client expectancy for improvement is of paramount importance in therapy investigations.


» air of expectancy = clima de expectación en el aire.

Example: The people were quite familiar with prophecies of a coming Redeemer and an air of expectancy was everywhere.

» create + expectancy = crear expectativas, generar expectativas.

Example: This novel grasps the attention of the reader from the opening pages, creating expectancy in their heart.

» divorce expectancy = índice de divorcios.

Example: According to the article, persons who eat onions with every meal have a life expectancy of some 1% above the national average, but they are invited to only 20% as many parties and their divorce expectancy is 200% above the national average = De acuerdo con el artículo, las personas que comen cebollas en cada comida tienen una esperanza de vida de un 1% por encima de la media nacional, pero se les invita sólo a un 20% de las fiestas y su índice de divorcios es del 200% por encima de la media.

» expectancy ratio = índice de probabilidad.

Example: The expectancy ratio supposes that each category cell has an expected value.

» expectancy score = puntuación probable.

Example: Table 3 shows the average expectancy scores for all databases in each cluster/category.

» life expectancy = esperanza de vida, expectativas de vida.

Example: According to the article, persons who eat onions with every meal have a life expectancy of some 1% above the national average, but they are invited to only 20% as many parties and their divorce expectancy is 200% above the national average = De acuerdo con el artículo, las personas que comen cebollas en cada comida tienen una esperanza de vida de un 1% por encima de la media nacional, pero se les invita sólo a un 20% de las fiestas y su índice de divorcios es del 200% por encima de la media.

» life expectancy = vida útil.

Example: This article discusses the life expectancy of paperback books in academic libraries.

Expectancy synonyms

anticipation in spanish: anticipación, pronunciation: æntɪsəpeɪʃən part of speech: noun
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