Expect in spanish


pronunciation: espeɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

expect = esperar. 

Example: In a journal most formal items including articles, essays, discussions and reviews can be expected to be accompanied by an abstract.


» as might be expected = como cabría esperar, como cabría suponer.

Example: As might be expected, the terminology is noticeably British as opposed to the American terminology in the previous examples.

» as one might expect = como cabría esperar, como cabe esperar.

Example: And, as one might expect, there are a variety of vendors offering e-book products, some of them clearly thinking about the library market as a potential source of revenue.

» be widely expected = mucha gente + esperar que.

Example: The rapid introduction of new technologies into libraries was widely expected to lead to sweeping changes in library organisation and management.

» come to + expect = llegar a esperar.

Example: Users come to expect the regular appearance of the abstracts bulletin.

» expect + a baby = esperar un bebé.

Example: We just found out my husband's niece and her husband are expecting a baby.

» expect + the worst = esperar lo peor.

Example: The mother, a little afraid and expecting the worst, was unsettled, despite all her efforts to be open-minded, by her preconceptions not only about the drug but about the rights and wrongs of the position she had put herself into.

» half expect = medio esperar.

Example: She said she guessed as much and she half expected it actually.

Expect synonyms

bear in spanish: oso, pronunciation: ber part of speech: verb, noun look in spanish: Mira, pronunciation: lʊk part of speech: verb, noun anticipate in spanish: prever, pronunciation: æntɪsəpeɪt part of speech: verb ask in spanish: pedir, pronunciation: æsk part of speech: verb carry in spanish: llevar, pronunciation: kæri part of speech: verb require in spanish: exigir, pronunciation: rikwaɪɜr part of speech: verb wait in spanish: Espere, pronunciation: weɪt part of speech: verb await in spanish: esperar, pronunciation: əweɪt part of speech: verb gestate in spanish: gestar, pronunciation: dʒesteɪt part of speech: verb
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