Expanded in spanish


pronunciation: ekspɑndidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

expand1 = expandir, aumentar, ampliar. 

Example: As the quantity of knowledge expands the need to organise it becomes more pressing.


» expand + Posesivo + horizons = ampliar los horizontes.

Example: Librarians must expand their service horizons to include at-risk teenagers.

» expand + Posesivo + knowledge = ampliar el conocimiento, aumentar el conocimiento.

Example: Literature can also extend the students' experience, broaden their perspective and expand their knowledge and understanding.

» expand like = añádase como.

Example: Extensive provision for synthesis is made including auxiliary schedules, expand like instructions, and synthetic features in the notation.

» expand + Posesivo + search = ampliar una búsqueda.

Example: By following the path of related records from level to level, you can expand or focus your search almost indefinitely.

» expand upon/on + Tema = explicar un Tema con más detalle, expandir.

Example: We must now return to the consideration of indexes and here we shall recapitulate, and expand, upon some of the points already made in Section 1.

» expand + views = ampliar los horizontes.

Example: Participation in IFLA's global network provides members with the opportunity to directly contact colleagues and experts, exchange experiences and expand views = La participación en la red global de la IFLA ofrece a los miembros la oportunidad de contactar directamente con compañeros y expertos, intercambiar experiencias y ampliar horizontes.

expand2 = mostrar los términos relacionados. 

Example: Although, no program will ever include a complete vocabulary, these programs mean that users can now benefit from the search commands 'explode' and 'expand'.


» expand command = orden de mostrar los términos relacionados.

Example: It is possible to use the expand command to display terms in the data base being searched related to the original search term.

expanded = de expansión, cada vez mayor, en expansión, ampliado. 

Example: Co-operatives have played a much more extensive role in recent years and are set to continue in their expanded role.

Expanded synonyms

swollen in spanish: hinchado, pronunciation: swoʊlən part of speech: adjective extended in spanish: extendido, pronunciation: ɪkstendəd part of speech: adjective distended in spanish: distendido, pronunciation: dɪstendɪd part of speech: adjective dilated in spanish: dilatado, pronunciation: daɪleɪtəd part of speech: adjective enlarged in spanish: engrandecido, pronunciation: enlɑrdʒd part of speech: adjective

Expanded antonyms

condensed pronunciation: kəndenst part of speech: verb, adjective contracted pronunciation: kɑntræktəd part of speech: adjective
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