Exonerate in spanish


pronunciation: eksoʊneɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

exonerate = exonerar, exculpar, absolver. 

Example: In addition most of the men offered explanations to exonerate their fathers for their inadequacies as sexuality educators.


» exonerate + a suspect = exonerar a un sospechoso.

Example: For the first time, genetic fingerprinting would be used to exonerate a suspect and convict the guilty person.

» exonerate + Nombre + from blame = exonerar a Alguien de culpa.

Example: The belief that health professionals were 'doing everything they could' in conditions of constraint also tended to exonerate them from blame for the suffering that carers or ill people experienced, and thus to disarm complaints about health care.

» exonerate + Nombre + from responsibility = exonerar a Alguien de responsabilidad.

Example: This view has helped exonerate the majority of drinkers & the alcohol industry from responsibility.

Exonerate synonyms

clear in spanish: claro, pronunciation: klɪr part of speech: adjective discharge in spanish: descarga, pronunciation: dɪstʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun, verb acquit in spanish: absolver, pronunciation: əkwɪt part of speech: verb exculpate in spanish: exculpar, pronunciation: ekskʌlpeɪt part of speech: verb assoil in spanish: assoil, pronunciation: əsɔɪl part of speech: verb

Exonerate antonyms

convict pronunciation: kɑnvɪkt part of speech: noun, verb
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