Exit in spanish


pronunciation: sɑlidɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

exit1 = salida. 

Example: A cash desk should be placed by each exit.


» emergency exit = salida de emergencia.

Example: There are 5 emergency exits on this plane two at the rear two in the middle and one at the front of the plane.

» exit barrier = control de salida. [Control mecánico que se coloca a la salida de una biblioteca y que normalmente consiste en un brazo mecánico que hay que empujar para salir]

Example: Library security systems, it appears, do not affect disks that are taken through in the normal way, though the disks should not be placed in or near the checkout unit or left close to the exit barriers.

» exit control system = sistema de control de la salida. [Sistema utilizado en bibliotecas para controlar la salida del lector, normalmente equipado de detectores de dispositivos especiales colocados en los libros]

Example: An example might be the decision to open a new branch library or the decision to purchase an exit control system for a small public library.

» exit door = puerta de salida.

Example: One such method requires that each book has a magnetic strip inserted into the spine and a special exit door is fitted across which an electric signal is beamed.

» exit lane = pasillo de salida, vía de salida.

Example: Should you continue to experience difficulties, you will be directed to a cashiered exit lane, where a cashier will assist you in making payment for your parking.

» exit strategy = estrategia de salida.

Example: Thirdly, he is the only candidate to have laid his cards on the table with a sound, sensible and viable exit strategy from this awful quagmire in Iraq.

» exit survey = sondeo hecho a la salida, sondeo final, cuestionario final.

Example: Public libraries now appear to be more heavily used by women than men, especially branch libraries where a recent exit survey showed that two-thirds of the users were female.

» exit wound = orificio de salida. [Generalmente, de una herida de bala]

Example: In real life, a headshot virtually never leaves a neat little exit wound.

» fire exit = salida de incendios.

Example: Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, toilet provision, fire regulations and exits are all well covered in considerable detail.

» make + a hasty exit = salir a toda prisa, salir por piernas.

Example: The women will either look uncomfortable and make a hasty exit or will stand there with blank looks on their faces pretending not to have heard.

» make + a quick exit = salir de prisa, salir a prisa, coger la puerta, coger la puerta y largarse, pirarse, pirárselas, darse el piro.

Example: I sat near the back door, ready to make a quick exit once the interview session concluded.

» make + Posesivo + exit = irse, marcharse.

Example: She had placed herself in an awkward situation and was anxious to make her exit.

» public exit = salida de lectores. [Salida especialmente diseñada para los lectores como opuesta a otras salidas que puede haber para el personal bibliotecario, de servicio, de emergencia, etc]

Example: The main library, which has the one public entrance and exit, is open from 9:00 a.m.

exit2 = terminar, salir. 

Example: Enter the lesson number you wish, or press the letter 'X' to exit the tutorial.

Exit synonyms

go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb leave in spanish: salir, pronunciation: liv part of speech: verb issue in spanish: problema, pronunciation: ɪʃu part of speech: noun release in spanish: lanzamiento, pronunciation: rilis part of speech: noun, verb die in spanish: morir, pronunciation: daɪ part of speech: verb, noun loss in spanish: pérdida, pronunciation: lɔs part of speech: noun outlet in spanish: salida, pronunciation: aʊtlet part of speech: noun going in spanish: yendo, pronunciation: goʊɪŋ part of speech: noun perish in spanish: perecer, pronunciation: perɪʃ part of speech: verb departure in spanish: salida, pronunciation: dɪpɑrtʃɜr part of speech: noun expire in spanish: expirar, pronunciation: ɪkspaɪr part of speech: verb passing in spanish: paso, pronunciation: pæsɪŋ part of speech: noun decease in spanish: fallecimiento, pronunciation: dɪsis part of speech: noun expiration in spanish: vencimiento, pronunciation: ekspɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun get out in spanish: salí, pronunciation: getaʊt part of speech: verb go out in spanish: fuera, pronunciation: goʊaʊt part of speech: verb pass away in spanish: fallecer, pronunciation: pæsəweɪ part of speech: verb way out in spanish: salida, pronunciation: weɪaʊt part of speech: noun

Exit antonyms

enter pronunciation: entɜr part of speech: verb come in pronunciation: kʌmɪn part of speech: verb get into pronunciation: getɪntu part of speech: verb get in pronunciation: getɪn part of speech: verb go into pronunciation: goʊɪntu part of speech: verb go in pronunciation: goʊɪn part of speech: verb move into pronunciation: muvɪntu part of speech: verb be born pronunciation: bibɔrn part of speech: verb
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