Existing in spanish


pronunciation: eksistente part of speech: adjective
In gestures

exist = existir. 

Example: Difficulties may arise where equivalent terms do not exist in all of the languages of the thesaurus.


» coexist [co-exist] = coexistir, convivir.

Example: In outlining the supposed 'stages of development' in reading, I emphasized that these were never steadily passed through, that in fact they can coexist.

» exist + side by side = coexistir.

Example: The real story here is that no matter which format ultimately comes out on top, the battle will be long and protracted, with both formats existing side by side for some time.

» pre-exist [preexist] = preexistir, existir de antemano.

Example: The development of a retrospective programme is based on the premise that some fragmentary retrospective provision must pre-exist the establishment of a formal organization charged with the responsibility to do so.

existing = existente. 

Example: UNIBID is an attempt to offer a standard record format for use by abstracting and indexing services, independent of any existing description or cataloguing rules.


» pre-existing [preexisting] = preexistente, previo, ya existente.

Example: Effective subject indexing is expensive and future subject indexing strategies are best based on pre-existing controlled vocabularies.

Existing synonyms

present in spanish: presente, pronunciation: prezənt part of speech: adjective, noun, verb active in spanish: activo, pronunciation: æktɪv part of speech: adjective existent in spanish: existente, pronunciation: egzɪstənt part of speech: adjective

Existing antonyms

nonexistent pronunciation: nɑnəgzɪstənt part of speech: adjective
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