Existence in spanish


pronunciation: eksistenθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

existence = existencia. 

Example: Having been alerted to the existence of a document, the user needs information concerning the actual location of the document, in order that the document may be read.


» be in existence = existir.

Example: Libraries have been in existence for a long time in many countries and so should have become an integral part of the culture.

» coexistence [co-existence] = coexistencia, convivir.

Example: A text represent the result of coexistence of many codes.

» come into + existence = crear, surgir, fundarse, aparecer.

Example: Some university libraries have been built up over the centuries; others have come into existence over the last 40 years.

» eke out + an existence = ganarse la vida a duras penas, salir adelante a duras penas, sobrevivir, malvivir.

Example: In thus eking out an existence, however, the washerwoman was very important for the survival of her family.

» go out of + existence = desaparecer.

Example: The volunteer fire companies went out of existence, as did their library associations.

» human existence = existencia humana.

Example: Set against the span of human existence, the five-hundred-year-history of the printed book is but an instant.

» in existence = existente, en existencia.

Example: There are very few examples of large scale, generally accessible, hypertexts in existence.

» justify + Posesivo + existence = justificar la existencia.

Example: The library and information sectors have to escalate their fight for every budget dollar, and some struggle to justify their very existence.

» lead + a bleak existence = llevar una vida sombría.

Example: While they lead a bleak existence of isolation, danger and loneliness, these men reach out to tell their stories and try to understand their own actions through art.

» lead + an + Adjetivo + existence = llevar una vida + Ajetivo.

Example: And so, from its hardscrabble beginnings to immediate time, Wexler has lead a varied existence, changing from shipping point for fruit to resting place for travelers = Y por lo tanto, desde sus comienzos difíciles hasta el presente, Wexler ha llevado una vida variada, pasando de ser un centro de recepción y envío de fruta a un lugar de descanso para los viajeros.

» lead + a precarious existence = pasar apuros económicos.

Example: Neighbourhood advice centres lead a precarious existence.

» live out + a wretched existence = llevar una vida miserable.

Example: In this sense the book resembles one of Solzhenitsyn's novels about one good day in the life of one of Stalin's victims living out a wretched existence in a Siberian prison camp.

» non-existence = inexistencia.

Example: In theory, at least, information provision has always been seen as an integral part of the library service, but in practice this had tended to become extruded to the point of non-existence by the time it reaches the smaller rural branches and mobile libraries = En teoría, al menos, la difusión de la información siempre se ha visto como una parte integral del servicio bibliotecario, aunque en la práctica se ha tendido a forzarla hasta el punto de su inexistencia cuando llega a las bibliotecas sucursales rurales más pequeñas y a las bibliotecas móviles.

» precarious existence = existencia precaria.

Example: He contends that the black protagonist's precarious existence after his accident recalls the death of Robert Lewis who was lynched in the summer of 1892.

Existence synonyms

world in spanish: mundo, pronunciation: wɜrld part of speech: noun nature in spanish: naturaleza, pronunciation: neɪtʃɜr part of speech: noun being in spanish: siendo, pronunciation: biɪŋ part of speech: noun universe in spanish: universo, pronunciation: junəvɜrs part of speech: noun cosmos in spanish: cosmos, pronunciation: kɑzmoʊs part of speech: noun creation in spanish: creación, pronunciation: krieɪʃən part of speech: noun macrocosm in spanish: macrocosmo, pronunciation: məkroʊkɔzəm part of speech: noun beingness in spanish: beingness, pronunciation: baɪngnəs part of speech: noun

Existence antonyms

nonexistence pronunciation: nɑnɪgzɪstəns part of speech: noun nonbeing pronunciation: nɑnbiɪŋ part of speech: noun
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