Exile in spanish


pronunciation: eksilioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

exile1 = exilio, destierro, deportación. 

Example: Slake's Limbo belongs to a large category of fiction that deals in exile, whether enforced or self-sought.


» die in + exile = morir en el exilio, morir en el destierro.

Example: Everyone is born a king, and most people die in exile, like most kings.

» force + Nombre + into exile = obligar a Alguien al exilio, obligar a Alguien a exiliarse.

Example: At first he was a close political advisor to Charles II, although he later fell out of favour and was forced into exile.

» go into + exile = exiliarse, expatriarse, exilarse.

Example: According to people close to him, he is seriously considering the possibility of going into exile = Según gente cercana a él, está considerando seriamente la posibilidad de exiliarse.

» send + Nombre + into exile = exiliar, enviar al exilio, mandar al exilio.

Example: She became Caligula's third wife in AD 38, but he divorced her and sent her into exile after six months.

exile2 = exiliado, exilado. [Nombre]

Example: This article summarises the results of field work on refugee and exile publishing in Western European countries focusing on Surinamese publishing in the Netherlands and Afghan and Iranian refugee publishing in West Berlin and Switzerland.

exile3 = exiliar, expatriar, desterrar, deportar, exilar. 

Example: He was unjustly court-martialed in 1894 for high treason and exiled to a penal colony on the coast of South America.

Exile synonyms

expatriate in spanish: expatriado, pronunciation: ekspeɪtrieɪt part of speech: adjective, noun deport in spanish: deportar, pronunciation: dɪpɔrt part of speech: verb deportation in spanish: deportación, pronunciation: dipɔrteɪʃən part of speech: noun expatriation in spanish: expatriación, pronunciation: ekspeɪtrieɪʃən part of speech: noun deportee in spanish: deportado, pronunciation: dipɔrti part of speech: noun

Exile antonyms

repatriate pronunciation: ripeɪtrieɪt part of speech: verb
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