Exhibit in spanish


pronunciation: ekspoʊsiθioʊn part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

exhibit1 = exposición, exhibición. 

Example: Models and displays set up in the salesrooms or as special exhibits are both decorative and interesting.


» art exhibit = exposición de arte, muestra de arte.

Example: Since the library lacked a graphic artist he volunteered to handletter signs and to help with displays and art exhibits -- all on his own time.

» exhibit booth = stand.

Example: While lunches and exhibit booth encounters at ALA and state conferences help, neither replaces a good, structured focus group.

» exhibit catalogue = catálogo de exposición.

Example: Locate the exhibit catalog for a show of American impressionists held at the Corcoran Gallery in 1985.

» exhibit hall = sala de exposiciones.

Example: A walk through the exhibit hall made it clear: the Web is everywhere.

» museum exhibit = exposición de museo.

Example: Public libraries can arrange expeditions at reduced cost to museum exhibits, concerts, etc.

» on exhibit = en exposición, exponer.

Example: This is a 'sneak peek' at new products that systems vendors will have on exhibit at the conference = Este es un "avance" de los nuevos productos que los vendedores de sistemas expondrán en el congreso.

» promotional exhibit = stand.

Example: Although hospital patient libraries and public libraries have used promotional exhibits at professional meetings, medical libraries have not.

exhibit2 = objeto expuesto. 

Example: The physical description area records the number of physical units of a three-dimensional artefact or object and gives one of the terms listed below, as appropriate: diorama, exhibit, game, etc.


» table top exhibit = mesa expositora.

Example: Table top exhibits are available to oganizations with annual sales under $100,000.

» vendor exhibit = stand comercial.

Example: The article 'A bustling New York ALA show' describes the vendor exhibits at the American Library Association Annual Conference in New York.

exhibit3 = exhibir, exponer, mostrar, presentar. 

Example: These headings, therefore, in addition to exhibiting a bias in favor of the majority, actively hinder access.

Exhibit synonyms

show in spanish: espectáculo, pronunciation: ʃoʊ part of speech: verb, noun present in spanish: presente, pronunciation: prezənt part of speech: adjective, noun, verb display in spanish: monitor, pronunciation: dɪspleɪ part of speech: noun, verb expose in spanish: exponer, pronunciation: ɪkspoʊz part of speech: verb demonstrate in spanish: demostrar, pronunciation: demənstreɪt part of speech: verb march in spanish: marzo, pronunciation: mɑrtʃ part of speech: noun parade in spanish: desfile, pronunciation: pɜreɪd part of speech: noun demo in spanish: manifestación, pronunciation: demoʊ part of speech: noun showing in spanish: demostración, pronunciation: ʃoʊɪŋ part of speech: noun
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