Exercise in spanish


pronunciation: exeɹ̩θiθioʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

exercise1 = ejercicio, tarea. 

Example: As a concluding exercise, therefore, it would be helpful for you to try some examples of analysis and translation on your own.


» an exercise in = un intento de.

Example: While project ALBIS was seen as an exercise in networking that misfired it did produce some positive results.

» be exercises in + futility = no conducir a nada.

Example: The library's goals statements are exercises in futility, a waste of precious time.

» be little more than an interesting exercise = no servir de mucho.

Example: In addition, any control system that does not pose corrective actions after deviations occur is little more than an interesting exercise.

» comprehension exercise = ejercicio de comprensión.

Example: But it was no less misguided than the commonplace practice of setting passages thieved from literature for comprehension exercises.

» consultation exercise = consulta.

Example: Following a preliminary survey by Aslib, the council's consultation exercise found that residents opted for service quality over quantity.

» disaster exercise drill = simulacro de siniestro.

Example: This article describes a disaster exercise drill involving a broken ceiling and mud and water damage to books, designed to test response plans to salvage operations.

» drill exercise = ejercicio.

Example: As drill exercises in writing, the writing of book reviews has little to commend it.

» exercise bike = bicicleta estática.

Example: Now science backs up that claim, even proving that you burn as many calories as 15 minutes on an exercise bike when you double up in stitches.

» exercise-induced = inducido por el ejercicio, causado por el ejercicio, provocado por el ejercicio.

Example: Exercise-induced gastritis and gastric ulcers are common in humans and horses, and recently have been described in racing sled dogs.

» exercise in futility = tarea inútil.

Example: They're exercises in futility, a waste of precious time.

» exercise regime = régimen de ejercicios.

Example: In order to begin a new exercise regime successfully, it is important to plan each step of the way.

» exercise training = ejercicio físico.

Example: Studies continue to report benefits from exercise training.

» hands-on exercise = ejercicio práctico.

Example: The use of these Web pages along with a hands-on exercise proved an effective mechanism for active learning.

» horse exercise ring = picadero.

Example: Concerts are held in a 200-seat, converted horse exercise ring, which has excellent acoustics and spectacular mountain views through the windows.

» major exercise = trabajo complicado.

Example: Reclassification can be a major exercise involving much relation of stock, and this is clearly a disincentive to the complete revision of the classified stock.

» modelling exercise = prueba, ensayo, simulacro.

Example: The modelling exercise would indicate which model was most economic and which was most cost-effective.

» muscle exercise = ejercicio muscular.

Example: The cause of death was ventricular fibrillation induced by hard muscle exercise after either propane or butane gas inhalation.

» practical exercise = ejercicio práctico.

Example: A practical exercise was carried out in 100 articles chosen randomly from periodicals.

» practice exercise = ejercicio de prácticas.

Example: Therefore, we have supplied you with as many practice exercises as possible, each containing a variety of contexts and usages.

» public relations exercise = actividad de promoción, actividad de relaciones públicas.

Example: The author describes the success of a library in staging a series of music concerts as a public relations exercise.

» warm-up exercise = ejercicio de calentamiento.

Example: Many of the warm-up exercises we practised years ago have now found to be dangerous.

exercise2 = empleo, uso, utilización. 

Example: A poorly structured scheme requires the exercise of a good deal of initiative on the part of the indexer in order to overcome or avoid the poor structure.


» do + exercise = hacer ejercicio.

Example: Doing exercise and being fit is a simple form of stress relief.

» require + an exercise of + judgement = necesitar tomar cierto tipo de decisiones.

Example: Although the application of policies requires an exercise of judgment, violation of the policy under the guise of 'flexibility' should be avoided.

exercise3 = ejercicio físico. 

Example: Consumption of sport drinks containing carbohydrates and electrolytes during exercise will provide fuel for the muscles = La consumicion de bebidas energéticas que contienen carbohidratos y electrolitos durante el ejercicio proporciona energía para los músculos.


» exercise physiology = fisiología del ejercicio.

Example: There are many misconceptions about what exercise physiology actually is.

» exercise programme = programa de ejercicio físico.

Example: The article 'Keeping New Year's resolutions while counting down to the new millennium' discusses the following topics: self-discipline; losing weight; stopping smoking; starting an exercise programme; paying off bills; and meeting someone new.

» physical exercise = ejercicio físico.

Example: The idea behind this physical exercise was the development of will power.

exercise4 = ejercitar, poner en práctica, ejercer. 

Example: In reading crazes a child is exercising at the very least his ability to read; his reading muscles are limbered = En las períodos en los que a un niño se ensimisma por la lectura éste al menos pone en práctica su habilidad lectora, ejercitando los músculos físicos y mentales implicados en la lectura.


» exercise + care = tener cuidado.

Example: In pursuing brevity, however, care must be exercised to avoid ambiguity.

» exercise + caution = tener cuidado.

Example: Academic libraries should exercise caution when using impact factors exclusively for journal selection.

» exercise + control over = ejercer control sobre.

Example: Control is exercised over which terms are used, but otherwise the terms are ordinary words.

» exercise + discretion = actuar del modo que se considere más adecuado.

Example: Again therefore the editor must exercise his discretion = De nuevo, el editor debe actuar del modo que considere más adecuado.

» exercise + judgement = tomar decisiones.

Example: Even within rules a cataloguer is frequently required to exercise judgement.

» exercise + Posesivo + civil rights = ejercer + Posesivo + derechos civiles, ejercer + Posesivo + derechos cívicos.

Example: They slammed her in jail on a trumped-up charge because she exercised her civil rights and made them angry.

» exercise + Posesivo + right = ejercer un derecho.

Example: Access to information and freedom of information are very important to them in exercising their rights as citizens = Para ellos, el acceso a información y la libertad de información son muy importantes para poder ejercer sus derechos como ciudadanos.

» exercise + Posesivo + right to vote = ejercer + Posesivo + derecho al voto.

Example: In these situations, if the employer refuses to allow the employee leave in order to exercise her right to vote, then the employer has violated that right.

» exercise + power = ejercer autoridad, ejercer poder.

Example: Broadly speaking, the former are framework regulations, such as the basic regulations for the common organization of markets and the annual CAP fixing, within which the Commission exercises delegated powers.

» exercise + sanctions = imponer sanciones.

Example: This entails restricting membership to properly qualified persons only, and exercising sanctions on members who infringe professional standards.

» exercise + value judgment = emitir un juicio de valor.

Example: A computer can replace people in dull, routine tasks, but it has no originality; it works according to the instructions given to it and cannot exercise any value judgments.

» exercise + work = desempeñar un trabajo.

Example: Work in a duly ordered community should be made attractive by the consciousness of usefulness, by variety, and by being exercised amidst pleasurable surroundings.

Exercise synonyms

work in spanish: trabajo, pronunciation: wɜrk part of speech: noun, verb do in spanish: hacer, pronunciation: du part of speech: verb employment in spanish: empleo, pronunciation: emplɔɪmənt part of speech: noun practice in spanish: práctica, pronunciation: præktəs part of speech: noun use in spanish: utilizar, pronunciation: jus part of speech: noun, verb drill in spanish: perforar, pronunciation: drɪl part of speech: noun example in spanish: ejemplo, pronunciation: ɪgzæmpəl part of speech: noun exert in spanish: ejercer, pronunciation: ɪgzɜrt part of speech: verb practise in spanish: práctica, pronunciation: præktɪs part of speech: verb usage in spanish: uso, pronunciation: jusədʒ part of speech: noun workout in spanish: rutina de ejercicio, pronunciation: wɜrkaʊt part of speech: noun work out in spanish: rutina de ejercicio, pronunciation: wɜrkaʊt part of speech: verb carry out in spanish: llevar a cabo, pronunciation: kæriaʊt part of speech: verb utilization in spanish: utilización, pronunciation: jutələzeɪʃən part of speech: noun exercising in spanish: haciendo ejercicio, pronunciation: eksɜrsaɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun utilisation in spanish: utilización, pronunciation: jutələseɪʃən part of speech: noun physical exercise in spanish: ejercicio físico, pronunciation: fɪzɪkəleksɜrsaɪz part of speech: noun physical exertion in spanish: esfuerzo físico, pronunciation: fɪzɪkəlɪgzɜrʃən part of speech: noun practice session in spanish: sesión de practica, pronunciation: præktəsseʃən part of speech: noun
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