Executive in spanish


pronunciation: exekutiboʊ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

executive = directivo, ejecutivo. [Nombre y adjetivo]

Example: The course had concentrated on executive decision making, with a side excursion into the study and findings of Henry Mintzberg as reported in his book, 'The Nature of Managerial Work'.


» advertising executive = directivo de agencia de publicidad.

Example: However, as the proportion of elderly people in the population rises sharply over the next few years advertising and retail executives will need to rethink their sales strategies.

» associate executive director = subdirector ejecutivo.

Example: An interview committee, consisting of the library personnel officer and the associate executive director for branches, convened to speak with applicants for the adult materials selection position = Un comité seleccionador, compuesto por el responsable del personal de la biblioteca y del subdirector ejecutivo de las sucursales, se reunió para hablar con los candidatos para el trabajo de selección de material de adultos.

» business executive = ejecutivo.

Example: The trustee was generally male, 'past his prime', white, Protestant, well educated, wealthy, a member of the social elite, and usually a member of a profession or a business executive.

» chief executive = poder ejecutivo.

Example: Apply this rule to legislative enactments and decrees of a political jurisdiction and decrees of a chief executive having the force of law.

» chief executive = director ejecutivo, presidente, director general.

Example: The author concludes that few chief executives personally use the company library and online database services.

» chief executive officer (CEO) = director ejecutivo, presidente, director general.

Example: The constituent networks may have presidents and CEO's (chief executive officers), but that's a different issue; there's no single authority figure for the Internet as a whole.

» corporate executive = ejecutivo.

Example: There are millions of jokes about dumb blondes, but there is not so many jokes about cooperate executives.

» executive agency = consejería.

Example: In addition and in conformity with the Paris Principles, top echelon executive agencies, legislative bodies, courts, etc., are specifically named as bodies to be entered subordinately.

» executive arm = poder ejecutivo.

Example: The third group of documents reflects the Commission's role as the executive arm of the Community.

» executive board = comité ejecutivo, junta directiva.

Example: There are 50 members on the committee who are appointed by the ALA executive board to serve for one or two-year terms.

» executive director = director ejecutivo, director general.

Example: 'We'll get started as soon as everyone arrives,' the executive director shook her hand and smiled graciously.

» executive officer = director ejecutivo, director general.

Example: The meeting, which defined the goals of the association, discussed membership conditions, established permanent sections (legal, educational, economic, historical and management) and elected executive officers.

» executive position = puesto ejecutivo, cargo ejecutivo, cargo directivo, puesto directivo.

Example: Women are now beginning to occupy executive positions and contribute effectively to the rapid development of librarianship in the country.

» executive power = poder ejecutivo.

Example: Most college librarians have inadequate executive powers and this has adverse effects onthe quality of library services in the colleges.

» executive search = búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos.

Example: The article 'How headhunters do their research' describes the process of research in the headhunting or executive search business.

» executive secretary = secretario ejecutivo.

Example: Donald P Hammer, executive secretary of LITA, and Dorothy Butler, the Division's Administrative Secretary, handled all of the administrative details, arrangements, and logistics.

» executive suite = suite ejecutiva.

Example: If you like pampering yourself, you'll feel very much at home in our executive suite.

» executive summary = resumen ejecutivo, resumen de la dirección, resumen de la junta directiva. [Resumen de las actividades realizadas por la dirección de un organismo o encargada de un proyecto]

Example: A report and executive summary will be published in 1995.

» Executive, the = poder ejecutivo, el; ejecutivo, el.

Example: Granting the Executive the power to torture people and jail them indefinitely, without meaningful judicial review, is like playing with fire.

» government executive = cargo ejecutivo del gobierno.

Example: After the election of a new president, government executives have two opportunities to propose agenda items to the new administration.

» IFLA's Executive Board = Junta Directiva de la IFLA.

Example: IFLA's Executive Board has full powers of administration and management and consists of an elected President and seven elected members, with the Chairperson of the Professional Board serving as an 'ex officio' member.

» knowledge executive = director ejecutivo de la gestión del conocimiento.

Example: This article discusses the emergence of 'chief knowledge officers' or 'knowledge executives' within organizations, viewed by many in the library profession as a logical, and perhaps deserved role for librarians.

» marketing executive = director comercial, director de marketing.

Example: Additionally, this article discusses specific marketing executives' use of competitive intelligence data bases to gain a competitive edge within their marketplace.

» retail executive = directivo del comercio minorista.

Example: However, as the proportion of elderly people in the population rises sharply over the next few years advertising and retail executives will need to rethink their sales strategies.

» ruling executive body = junta de gobierno.

Example: If the laws are decrees of a head of state, chief executive, or ruling executive body (e.g. a junta), make an added entry under the corporate heading for the official or ruling executive body.

» senior executive = alto cargo.

Example: The unit should be centrally located in the industrial complex and headed by a senior executive directly answerable to top management.

» top executive = alto cargo, directivo, ejecutivo superior.

Example: A survey of 40 organisations was used to identify the problems more frequently encountered by top executives using computers for decision support.

Executive synonyms

administrator in spanish: administrador, pronunciation: ədmɪnəstreɪtɜr part of speech: noun executive director in spanish: director ejecutivo, pronunciation: ɪgzekjətɪvdɜrektɜr part of speech: noun
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