Excuse in spanish


pronunciation: ekskusɑ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

excuse1 = disculpa, excusa. 

Example: The excuse for this is to allow a clerk to easily make a title entry for it.


» find + excuses = buscar excusas, encontrar excusas, buscar pegas, encontrar pegas.

Example: There are two kinds of person: one who finds excuses, one who finds a way.

» give + an excuse = dar una excusa.

Example: After years of silence, double-talk and cover-ups by the ALA the current vicious attack gives the ALA no excuse for failing to take action.

» justified excuse = excusa justificada.

Example: I don't think that killing in polytheistic societies gives monotheistic religion the right to do the same, that's not a justified excuse.

» lame excuse = pretexto poco convincente, excusa poco convincente, pretexto muy pobre, excusa muy pobre.

Example: This one is one of the lame excuses almost always used when an individual is not coping, out their depth and in over their head.

» make + excuse = dar una excusa.

Example: The initial thing you need to do is acknowledge that you goofed up -- don't make excuses for it and don't try to obscure it up.

» run out of + excuses = quedarse sin excusas.

Example: Tuesday, after much delaying and procrastinating, I finally ran out of excuses and went to the passport office.

» search for + an excuse = buscar una excusa.

Example: I think today's society seems to always search for an excuse when some people commit despicable acts.

» with the excuse of = con la excusa de, con el pretexto de, con el achaque de.

Example: When he left the band, he did so with the excuse of leaving to spend time with his family and tend his garden.

excuse2 = excusar, justificar, disculpar, perdonar. 

Example: Librarians could be excused for wondering if there is any role for them to play in the virtual library environment.


» there + be + no excusing = no poderse excusar, no haber excusa válida para.

Example: While there is no excusing some of the indelicate things she said, there was a kindness to Marge that made her a woman of the people.

Excuse synonyms

condone in spanish: condonar, pronunciation: kəndoʊn part of speech: verb explain in spanish: explique, pronunciation: ɪkspleɪn part of speech: verb apologize in spanish: pedir disculpas, pronunciation: əpɑlədʒaɪz part of speech: verb justify in spanish: justificar, pronunciation: dʒʌstəfaɪ part of speech: verb relieve in spanish: aliviar, pronunciation: rɪliv part of speech: verb exempt in spanish: eximir, pronunciation: ɪgzempt part of speech: adjective, verb alibi in spanish: coartada, pronunciation: æləbaɪ part of speech: noun pardon in spanish: perdón, pronunciation: pɑrdən part of speech: noun, verb rationalize in spanish: racionalizar, pronunciation: ræʃənəlaɪz part of speech: verb apologise in spanish: pedir disculpas, pronunciation: əpɑlədʒaɪz part of speech: verb let off in spanish: dejar salir, pronunciation: letɔf part of speech: verb self-justification in spanish: auto justificación, pronunciation: seldʒədʒəstəfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun beg off in spanish: disculparse, pronunciation: begɔf part of speech: verb
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