Exclusive in spanish


pronunciation: eksklusiboʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

exclusive = exclusivo, excluyente. 

Example: It is important that the characteristics of division used in this process should be mutually exclusive, in order to avoid cross-classification.


» exclusive of = sin incluir, no incluye.

Example: A UNESCO definition of a book, adopted in 1964, defines it simply as`a non-periodical printed publication of at least 49 pages exclusive of the cover pages'.

» exclusive right = propiedad exclusiva, derecho exclusivo.

Example: Cleopatra, considered the most beautiful woman in the world during her day, went to great expense to obtain exclusive rights over the Dead Sea.

» non-exclusive = no exclusivo, que no excluye otras posibilidades.

Example: There are at least 5 ways (non-exclusive and sometimes overlapping) in which computerised information systems can be enhanced with pictures.

Exclusive synonyms

sole in spanish: único, pronunciation: soʊl part of speech: noun only in spanish: solamente, pronunciation: oʊnli part of speech: adverb scoop in spanish: cuchara, pronunciation: skup part of speech: noun, verb single in spanish: soltero, pronunciation: sɪŋgəl part of speech: adjective inside in spanish: dentro, pronunciation: ɪnsaɪd part of speech: adverb, noun inner in spanish: interior, pronunciation: ɪnɜr part of speech: adjective privileged in spanish: privilegiado, pronunciation: prɪvlədʒd part of speech: adjective selective in spanish: selectivo, pronunciation: səlektɪv part of speech: adjective concentrated in spanish: concentrado, pronunciation: kɑnsəntreɪtəd part of speech: adjective undivided in spanish: indiviso, pronunciation: əndəvaɪdɪd part of speech: adjective unshared in spanish: incompartible, pronunciation: ənʃerd part of speech: adjective

Exclusive antonyms

inclusive pronunciation: ɪnklusɪv part of speech: adjective
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