Exclusion in spanish


pronunciation: eksklusioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

exclusion = exclusión. 

Example: In evaluating the fitness of certain items for inclusion or exclusion in bibliographies it could, indeed, be argued that 'control' could be thought of as a repressive, censoring, device.


» combat exclusion = excepción de combatir.

Example: The author reviews the history and meaning of the combat exclusion policy for United States servicewomen.

» social exclusion = exclusión social, marginación social.

Example: A converted mobile library vehicle is used to deliver tutor supported training to local communities suffering from economic deprivation and social exclusion.

» to the exclusion of = excluyendo, exceptuando (a).

Example: Many students use CD-ROM databases to the exclusion of other sources and are blissfully unaware of the information that they may be missing.

Exclusion synonyms

censure in spanish: censura, pronunciation: senʃɜr part of speech: noun exception in spanish: excepción, pronunciation: ɪksepʃən part of speech: noun expulsion in spanish: expulsión, pronunciation: ɪkspʌlʃən part of speech: noun riddance in spanish: libramiento, pronunciation: rɪdəns part of speech: noun ejection in spanish: expulsión, pronunciation: ɪdʒekʃən part of speech: noun excommunication in spanish: excomunión, pronunciation: ekskəmjunəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun

Exclusion antonyms

inclusion pronunciation: ɪnkluʒən part of speech: noun
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